Nobody Else (P-Valley)

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Farrah regrets not backing Mercedes up that night, she decides to go and apologize to her. Feelings are realized, debts are repaid, and love is revealed.


Farrah POV

I've been thinking about Mercedes a lot lately, like ALL the time. It's been a month or so since that whole disastrous threesome situation, and I haven't seen her since, which is completely understandable but still hurts.dw

I still feel a lot of regret for how I basically just allowed my husband to manhandle and kick her out, even after she defended and backed me up when he was yelling at me.

Not to mention, she never received her rightfully earned 40k because he decided to get in his feelings, which is actually a breach in contract that she could sue him for....

I feel like maybe I should finally go and apologize for the part I played in this mess, after all had I just controlled myself, he would never had known we were together before, but I mean can you really blame me...?

Mercedes is a whole lot of woman, in more ways than one. I mean she's the whole package, she has the beauty, strength, intelligence, and a quiet kindness about her, so how could I not fall in lov—


Shit, yes love.

I think I might have started falling the second I laid my eyes on her.

Or maybe it was the second I heard that angelic giggle of hers when she was taking that selfie.

Or maybe it was when I looked into her eyes and saw the beautifully broken mosaic of a woman who's clearly been through a lot but still chooses to continue trekking through life with her head held high and a smile on her face.

Well, regardless of when I began to fall, I distinctly remember the moment where I finally hit the pavement of her love, it was when she complimented my art and saw it in the way I intended for it to be seen, in that moment I felt more understood and loved than I have in my entire 19 year marriage.

Let's not even get started on the first time we made love, I refuse to call that sex, we went on for hours upon hours, orgasm after orgasm I found myself somehow falling deeper in love, embedding myself in the pavement of her love.

At this point, I might as well admit I'm utterly and irrevocably in love with Mercedes, and I don't know if I will ever be able to recover.

But of course I had to fuck it all up with my cowardice, I wouldn't be surprised if she completely hates my entire being now, I left her high and dry after she stood up for me, and in turn lost it all, and I couldn't even be bothered to return the favor.

The look on her face when I handed her the shoes haunts me in my sleep, the hurt and betrayal absolutely shattered my soul and my heart.

I want to fix this, but I don't know if I can, I don't know if she would be willing to forgive me.

But you know what, I'm done with being a coward, for once in my life I'm going to go after what I want, even if I end up hurt or disappointed, at least I've had tried.

So, with that being said, I'm going to the Pynk to try and get my Mercedes back, then I'm gonna finally serve my husband those divorce papers, I have more than enough evidence of his unfaithful trifling ways.

Trust and believe, I'm about to take him for EVERYTHING he has.

Anyways, enough thinking, it's time for some action, let me go get my keys...

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