Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV
'SETTLE DOWN NOW! Ten points from Slytherin Mr Malfoy. And if you would be so kind to settle into your seat, I can now disclose your NEWT results.'
Malfoy smirks at Professor McGonagall but the mention of our NEWT results prompts him to settle down. Lavender Brown glares at him after finally managing to extinguish her hair from being on fire.
'Now, due to the unexpected battle for Hogwarts, you all understand that you have to complete one more year of schooling to be eligible for employment in the wizarding world.'
Everyone groans. I don't know what they're talking about. Hogwarts isn't that bad. I love it here. I can't imagine what I would do without the extensive library here. Great, here I go babbling again. No wonder Harry.. I mean Ron doesn't pay any attention to me.
'As usual top of the class in NEWTs is Miss Granger.'
I beam, that's a relief. I was so worried that I would do badly and not get accepted into the Ministry for Magic.
'Filthy Mudblood. It was just a fluke that she got top.'
Draco's sneering voice can be heard from a mile away. I ignore him, he can't do anything serious. The Malfoys are on probation after siding with You Know Who for the war.
'MR MALFOY. Once again I must inform you that you received the lowest mark in this class. And any funny business regarding Miss Granger's parentage will be taken straight to the Headmaster. Do you understand me Mr Malfoy?'
He nods, scowling. I can't say that I am surprised with his mark. He never listens anyway to what the Professors teach.
I open the letter containing my results. I hope I did well enough to be considered for exchange. That would look great on my application form.

Dear Miss Hermione Jean Granger,
We wish to congratulate you on your outstanding N.E.W.T score. This is truly a brilliant score for a young witch such as yourself. Please see the attached grades below.

Transfiguration- Outstanding with High Distinction
Charms- Outstanding with High Distinction
Potions- Outstanding with High Distinction
Defence against the Dark Arts- Outstanding with Honours
Care of Magical Creatures- Outstanding with Honours
Herbology- Outstanding with Honours

Due to these exceptional marks, the Ministry of Magic is pleased to inform you that you have been considered to take part in the Beauxbatons Exchange Program in which you shall visit Beauxbatons School of Magic for one month.
Please see attached letter to your Head of House.

Kindest regards and congratulations
The N.E.W.T Examination board

I did it! This is a huge relief off my shoulders. And I get to go on exchange to Beauxbatons! For a month! Imagine all the new coursework I could complete in a month. Sorry, babbling again. This truly is a bad habit of mine.

Unfortunately my classmates do not seem as pleased with their NEWT results. Lavender has burst into tears. Malfoy seems to banging something or someone on the desk and Ron is muttering under his breath about what a stupid git he is. Can't say I disagree with that.

Harry's POV
Hermione got top of the class in NEWTs. I'm so happy for her. I would go up and congratulate her but knowing me I'll just make a fool of myself. Again. I couldn't even look at her the other day. My face went bright red. So I can defeat Voldemort but I can't even look at the girl I like in the eyes and tell her how I feel. What kind of hero is that?

I did alright in NEWTs- Mostly Excellents, one Outstanding and one Satisfactory for Herbology. Hey, it wasn't my fault the mandrake went and spit in my eye! Of course I felt the need to pulverise it. Let's just say that Professor Sprout had a word with Professor McGonagall about my anger management issues. I had to withstand a counselling session every week talking about why I hit the mandrake!

'Potter? A word in my office please.'
A collective "ooohhhh" spreads throughout the classroom. Hermione shoots me a smile and mouths that I'll be fine. I trip over the table leg. Everyone laughs. My celebrity status is depleting everyday. They should really give me some respect- I mean I defeated Voldemort and everything.

'Potter, I understand that you wish to apply as an Auror once completing school. Am I correct in this assumption?'
'Yes Professor.'
This I don't have to hesitate to answer. Being an Auror is all I have wanted to do since meeting Mad Eye.
'Well Mr Potter, I regret to inform you that you only received an Excellent in your N.E.W.T examinations for Defence against the Dark Arts in your theory exam. The Ministry clearly states that only recipients of Outstanding may apply for Auror.'
'Professor! This isn't fair! I was told that an Excellent was required.'
My anger swells. They can't just change it.
'Potter. If you hadn't the impatience of a hedgehog, you would have heard me out. However the Ministry will accept your application IF you agree to sit a practical exam at the end of this year.'
Another exam? Great. Another pressure on the Chosen One. I killed Voldemort is that not enough for them?
Professor McGonagall nods.
'Good choice Potter. You have my permission to withdraw from your other N.E.W.T subjects to focus on Defence against the Dark Arts if that be your wish. '
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One subject!!!! Trying to contain my excitement I respond.
'Thanks so much Professor!'
The corners of her mouth twitch.
'Do not misuse this opportunity Potter.'

Ron's POV
Bloody hell. What's Mum going to say when she sees these? All Satisfactory and a couple of Unsatisfactory except one Excellent for bloody Care of Magical Creatures. Blimey, I don't want to see her face. It's going to be 'But Percy got Outstandings and Bill did too' and all 'You have to try harder to improve your grades Ronnykins.' It's not my fault I'm so bloody thick. Bet I did better than Harry. He had to drop out of Divination because stupid Trewalney said he disrupted her karma and spiritual balance.

'Hey Ron, how did you do in your NEWTs?'
Great. It's Hermione. Do I really have to explain how badly I scored? Nah. I'll just make it up. You know, impress her for once.
'Absolutely great. Fantastic. All Excellent and Outstanding.'
It's not so hard to brag yourself up to people.
'That's great Ron! I'm so happy for you.'
Hermione looks actually genuinely happy for me even a little bit shocked.

'Mr Weasley? About your Satisfactory marks for your subjects in your N.E.W.T, Professor Flitwick and I would like you to attend some coaching sessions along with other classmates who have also struggled with the difficulty of exams.'
Thank you Professor McGonagall. Great, now Hermione knows I lied. She tries to stifle a giggle. My face goes red to match my hair. Some impression Ron. Well bloody done.
Hermione obviously can't take the pressure of holding back her laughter. She hastily waves goodbye to me. No wonder she dumped me. I have a suspicion that Harry Potter had something to do with it but the poor git can't even tell her the time if she asks him directly. I have nothing to worry about. Hermione will eventually get back with me.

Professor McGonagall's POV
I couldn't resist. The look on Weasley's face. Besides Harry and Hermione are my OTP.
Hey, even a teacher can ship her students....

AN- Lol that Professor bit at the end there. Comment and vote please so I can get an idea of I should continue or not.....

Quote of the chapter-
'Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?'

-Ronald Weasley

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