The Plan

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Professor McGonagall's POV
'WHAT? What do you mean the train isn't running?!'
Flitwick cowers in the corner shaking but that isn't important. I need to get to Beauxbatons before my whole life is ruined because of a stupid ferret and a Ravenclaw.
'Well, well, um the muggle said that no trains run on Sundays and um the next um train runs on..'
He lets out a little irritating squeak before continuing.
'Uh, Monday?'
He runs to hide underneath a desk, well aware of what is to come.
My fists curl up and I hurtle towards Flitwick in a rage.
'Minerva! Wait!'
Momentarily I pause. This better not be another one of his ideas.
'What about if we send a letter?'
I grit my teeth and lunge for him.
'But... But... What about Owl Post?'
I turn, my cloak fluttering in the wind behind me, for one last remark.
'Well. Do you own an owl Flitwick?'
He shakes his head nervously.
'And it would look rather suspicious if two teachers using a school owl send a message regarding student's relationships, wouldn't it?
He nods and tries to feebly crawl towards the door.
'Then next time, shut your pie hole before you come up with anymore clever ideas.'

Hermione's POV
Draco is, well, so different. It's really true. He's so intellectual and philosophical and smart. He's read Hogwarts: A History cover to cover just like I have and he seemed very interested in joining S.P.E.W (and he apologised for how Dobby was treated!) and he wanted to ask if I could tutor him and he said I was the smartest witch he'd ever met! I guess I didn't need my plan after all. Malfoy, or Draco I guess, really has changed.

Flitwick's POV
Oh goodness me. Oh goodness gracious me. If the school board ever found about this... well... I'd never be able to work again. Stupid Flitwick. Stupid Flitwick. And now Minerva's gone off her rocket and the Code Black and... Oh deary deary me. It all started as an obsession about Harmione fanfiction, I never expected it to turn into anything more! And then I met McGonagall and we started the HHr Club but now things have taken such a tumble. I'd better go fill in my resignation form before this all gets too serious. I don't think my heart can take it. I should just stop meddling in students business. It's all my sentimental side's fault- I should never have purposely failed Weasley and Malfoy's exams. In actual fact, they both passed. I told myself it was for the Harmione club but was it? I'd better stop. Before... No I won't go there.

'Professor? Professor?'
Please let it not be McGonagall. Please let it not be McGonagall.
'It's Celia, I'm in the Harmione club? There's been some trouble... Ronald Weasley. He's gone mad. He knows. He knows about the Harmione club. Professor McGonagall said that we should Obliviate him. But this is serious Professor. We could get expelled.'
Oh golly. Oh golly gosh.

Things are about to get a lot worse than I thought.

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