Back to Hogwarts

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Sorry for the late update... I'm trying to get out of a dark place right now and I'm trying not to neglect this story as well. Now, sorry for me complaining! I'll get back to it.

Hermione's POV

I can't believe it. Three months have absolutely flown by while I've been here at Beauxbatons. It's a lovely school, but really the education is certainly not up to scratch with Hogwarts. Although, saying that, I may have some bias...

My packed bags sit on the bed. I've checked and triple checked everything but still I feel like I'm missing something (I dearly hope it isn't one of my textbooks! So close to exam time- I can't afford to lose them now!) It feels strange leaving, Beauxbatons was just beginning to feel like home. It was nice for a change to have different people around and not have to avoid others...

The few friends I have made, all promised that they'd keep in touch. One even wants to work in the Ministry one day. I swore to Gabrielle that I'd give Fleur her love and well wishes and that I'd kiss little Victoire for her.

I've made a new life here, and part of me isn't sure that I want to give it up. I know that deep down I'll still love Harry and being so close to him is really not what I need right now. On the other side, my final examinations are coming up and whilst my French has drastically improved during my stay here, I think that studying in English and with teachers I know would probably be more beneficial. I suppose I should go now and say my final farewells. Just think, in a few hours I'll be back at Hogwarts...
I'm still deciding whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Harry's POV
Cho looks at me expectantly. Uh oh. I've forgotten something. Is it her birthday? Valentines? My birthday?
I expected this trip to be fun, but honestly all we've done is walk round and around Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop for ages. I know Cho wants to go in, but really? Why would she want to visit the place where we last broke up? Is this a sign?

'Harry? Are you still there?'

I nod, silently wishing I was anywhere but here. I like Cho, I really do. But... She'll never be Hermione. And no matter how much I want her to be, she's not going to suddenly morph into Hermione. (Unless all this time, Hermione's been using Polyjuice Potion? But considering our last encounter, I'm 95 percent sure she'd murder me if we ever saw each other again)

'Cho. There's something I have to tell you.'

Professor McGonagall's POV

I really should not be doing this. I really should not. But. But. I must.

I hurry down the corridors, hoping no one will think it strange that Arthur Weasley is visiting the Department of Mysteries at such a late hour. Poor Arthur, but he won't be a teapot for long- only a hour or so more. It was really rather cruel of me to take such a chunk of his already balding hair. But he is the only one who will believe my terrible excuse. Polyjuice was not my first choice, I would much rather have done this is in my Animagi form but quite frankly it would much more suspicious if a cat was found roaming the Ministry.

I reach the first door on the left, and scan the ID card I stole from Shacklebolt earlier today. Shining boxes line the floor each marked with inscriptions.

Magical Cutlery. No. Singing Hats. No. Lost and/or Stolen Items Complaint Forms. No. Timeturners. Finally!

I can fix this! I will fix everything that Harry Potter ruined and then Harmione will be together and I will be happy and Flitwick will realise I was right! And we will have a Ball to celebrate and exams will be cancelled! And then I will have their wedding at Hogwarts and make it a school holiday and everyone will rejoice. And then I won't have to live by myself with my 27 cats anymore! I can live with them. All three of us! Taking on the world.

A shadow lunges for me and then everything goes black. What a shame.

Hermione's POV

'Ms Granger! Ms Granger!'
I turn around on the train platform, just about to board. That's strange... What's Professor Flitwick doing here in France?
'Its Professor McGonagall! She's in St Mungos!'
Oh dear. Poor Professor McGonagall! I hope she's not seriously unwell.
'Is she alright?'
Professor Flitwick nods solemnly.
'They say she's not quite right in the head. She keeps rambling about...'
He trails off, as if realising I'm here.
'About what Professor?'
He sighs.
'You'll see.'
He grasps my arm tightly and Apparates.


Sorry this is really short... But I'm losing inspiration. I'd love to hear some ideas from you all (that would mean a lot to me) and as long as you guys want to read this, I'll keep writing!

Thanks 😊

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