Chapter 2

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Hermione's POV
'And then Draco was setting my beautiful hair on fire and then I was ready to get up in his stupid little rat face about it until Professor McGonagall said to shut it. I would've have shown that Slytherin a piece of my mind.'
At this point, Lavender is practically yelling. I nod sympathetically. Malfoy has a bone to pick with her after Lavender threw a suitcase at his mother during the War.
'Come on Mione, let's go to the Great Hall. We'll be late for dinner.'
Lavender grabs my arm and pulls me down the corridor.

The Gryffindor table is alive with chatter. Dean and Seamus are trying to chat up Parvati and Padma only with no result, Ron is stuffing his face full, Lavender is saying something to me about the importance of hair straighteners and Ginny is trying to talk to Harry. I don't know what is going on with their relationship at the moment. Ginny still likes him but I don't think Harry feels the same. It's probably wishful thinking on my part. Harry would never look at me. He probably thinks of me as his sister. Sadly.

'Hey Hermione wait up!'
It's Harry. He probably wants to know why I spent the whole of dinner trying to sculpt his face out of mashed potato. I know, I have it bad. I can't stop thinking about him.
He catches up to me and settles into a walking pace.
'So the Quidditch trials are tonight and I was wondering if... you...would maybe come down at help me organise everyone and stuff?'
His eyes are so dreamy that it takes me a while to register that he has asked me a question. Oh. He was talking about Quidditch.
'Sure Harry. It's not like I have anywhere to be...'
My voice trails off. I'm such a boring person. I don't know why he has me as a friend.
'Thanks so much! It means a lot to me. I'll come get you at 6 then.'
It's such a pity that his last phrase has to be used in this context and not in another scenario. Harry walks back off to join Ron and Dean.
I guess I'll see you then Harry Potter.

I dress quickly, throwing on jeans and a t-shirt. It's only Quidditch trials. True to his word, Harry arrives right on 6 at the bottom of the staircase.

'Listen up. This year, Gryffindor is looking for a strong team for Quidditch. Beaters can try out over in the far left corner, Keepers in the far right, Seekers with me and everyone else over near the goal post.'
Wow, Harry can really control a crowd. There must be at least 50 Gryffindors trying out to fill a team of 11 players. I really don't envy Harry's task. Apparently, I am supposed to record whichever players look strongest and then pass the list onto him. When he asked me to help out, this was not what I pictured.

'Thanks Hermione. You were beautiful.. I mean great out there.'
He blushes bright red. Did I just imagine that? Did Harry Potter just call me beautiful? Even by accident? He tries to cover up his mistake with more Quidditch talk but I know what I heard. And for good measure, I kiss him on the check. I am literally on Cloud 9. I practically float back to the dormitories. This smile won't go away. All the girls surround me, begging for all the details but I shake my head. They won't get this secret out of me. It's mine for now.

Harry's POV
She kissed me. Finally. I know it was only on the cheek but did it mean something to her? I just get so nervous around her. She's so beautiful and confident. And I'm just Harry Potter. I can still feel her lips on my cheek. Nothing can ruin this moment. Touchwood.

Professor McGonagall's POV
Yes!!!!!! Hermione finally kissed Harry on the cheek!!
Harmione 4 Eva! I really need to get a t-shirt with that. Maybe even one for all the faculty. Maybe Professor Flitwick and I can start a fan club. Or would that just be creepy?

AN- Hi y'all! Please comment if I should continue or not and also comment if you like Fangirling McGonagall's POV and if I should keep it or not....
Thanks so much and ilyasm


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