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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

"Lola, tell them to shut up."

A beat of silence passes and I let out a sigh of relief, turning over onto my side and burrowing into my soft pillows.

My blissful peace and silence don't last long when the banging on the door continues. My head throbs from a painful headache after the restless night I had and I let out a loud long groan of discontent.

Stretching my arms out, I go to cuddle Lola to my chest while telling whoever the hell it is to get lost. They clearly don't hear me as the banging continues but the main confusion that encompasses me is feeling nothing but blankets.

Where the hell is Lola?

Grunting, I sit up and peek one eye open only to see Lola nowhere in my room and the bedroom door partially open.

"I swear if that dog has gotten into the fridge," I grumble while getting up, stumbling out of the room.

Wincing, I fumble on my unsteady legs as I barrel my way to the door. The light shines brightly in my eyes after the contrast from my completely blacked out room to the blaring sun shining through the open windows of the living room.

"I'm coming!" I call out gruffly, my voice and eyes both thick with sleep as I struggle to the door.

Stumbling past my bedroom door and into the living room, I grunt as my leg catches onto something and I go flying. My eyes barely open wide enough in time to catch the edge of the sofa. A loud 'oomph' leaves me as I look back, my mouth going drier than ever before.

Sure, I often wake up at the devil's hour with my throat and tongue parched as if I've been roaming the Gobi desert for four days. Thankfully a bottle of water on my bedside table is more than enough to quench my thirst but I don't think any amount of water will help me now.

Luca Lorenzo Russo lays in front of me, half propped up on his elbow as he supports his body weight. A crumpled cushion from the sofa lays underneath him and a thin blanket covers half his torso. The larger part of his torso is covered by a not-so-furry Lola as she flops about, after having been disturbed from her peacefully curved form atop the man's chest.

Gulping, I look from Lola to Enzo and take a step forward.

Never before had I wanted to be a bitch as I do right now.

Luca grabs a disgruntled Lola and places her on the floor before running his hand through his dishevelled curls. With squinted eyes, the man turns his focus to me but I'm much too preoccupied with staring at his now clearly exposed chest. The sheer muscle that I always knew existed under his shirt, now glints back at me. Taunting me in ways I never knew I wished to be taunted.

Luca grunts as he braces himself, lifting his body off of the floor as the blankets slip away to reveal comfortable sweat pants that fit loosely around his hips.

Do not stare longer than you have to Rosa.

Snap out of it. Even if you are jealous of a literal dog right now.

"Who the hell is that?" He asks in a groggy voice, indicating the lack of use he's put his vocal cords through after being in a deep sleep.

The man looks a deadly combination of sinfully attractive but also charmingly adorable. His confused state resembled mine when I first woke up.

Multiple questions swirl my mind and sit on the end of my tongue but I swallow them once the pounding resumes on my door again.

"Oh for fu-"

"You might want to answer that," I don't give Luca the satisfaction of a verbal reply as I glare at him snarkily instead, then I head to the perpetrator behind my disrupted morning.

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