Information and Trigger Warnings

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Hello, and welcome to my story! This is a Harry Potter Fanfiction, so all characters (except for the occasional background OC— OCs won't play a big part here, just filler for when I need a random character that'll never be seen again) belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm not happy about it either, because we don't like transphobic bigots here, but just keep that in mind, I suppose.

If you haven't already, I recommend you read the description before you start reading, just so you understand what's going on, because this story will be a lot easier to understand right off the bat. You'll get it either way, but it'll be easier to get if you do.

Now, onto the trigger warnings. This story will include:

-Severe physical, mental, and verbal abuse
-Panic attacks
-Eating disorder (It wasn't purposefully acquired, but it is there)
-Depression and anxiety
-Suicidal ideations
-Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-Homophobic slurs
-Self harming tendencies (Burning, cutting, scratching)

Keep in mind that some of these things appear a lot less than others. The slurs and abuse, namely, only happen in certain chapters, but the aftermath of them will carry throughout the whole story. So please, if you get triggered by any of these things, don't read this. I will put warnings in the beginning of each chapter, so if you read this despite being triggered by any of these themes, keep an eye out for those. Be careful reading, though.

There is also certain cannon deviations in this book. Such as:

-Remus Lupin and Alastor Moody's teaching terms are switched, meaning Remus teaches when Harry is fourteen, and Alastor teaches when he's thirteen
-The Triwizard Tournament doesn't happen, Harry accidentally finds a portkey at Hogsmead and everything happens there (Meaning Cedric didn't die)
-Harry didn't know who Peter Pettigrew was when he saw him in the graveyard, he just assumed he was another Death Eater and left it at that
-James and Lily died when Harry was two, not one
-Dudley is a lot better to Harry, he started pretty bad but he's realized how shitty he was and fixed himself
-Harry didn't go to the Weasleys in the summer, the Dursleys didn't let him
-Hermione got Crookshanks with her parents, who wanted to go to learn more about wizard kind, at Diagon Alley, not with the Weasleys
-Harry can be more childish around certain people at certain times, because he grew up too fast and I'm giving him happy kiddo moments if it'll kill me, damn it

I think that's all, I may have to update this later if I think of anything else. Any other cannon deviations will be covered in the story, and I ask you to pretend like they make sense. I swear there's a reason I made him fourteen instead of thirteen, I swear—

The ships in this story are also as follows:

-Drarry (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter)
-Blairon (Blaise Zabini x Ronald Weasley)
-Pansmione (Pansy Parkinson x Hermione Granger)
-Linny (Ginny Weasley x Luna Lovegood)
-Wolfstar (Sirius Black x Remus Lupin)
-McPomfrey (Minerva McGonagall x Poppy Pomfrey)
-Deamus (Dean Thomas x Seamus Finnigan)

If you want any other ships, please tell me so I can research them and, possibly, put them into the story, as I'm always looking for new ships (especially gay ones). I was trying to decide between Blaise x Neville or Blaise x Ron, but I decided to give him to Ron.

God this is getting long, but I think this is the last thing I've got to tell you about.

This is going to be kind of Overpowered Harry, because I'm a sucker for overpowered main characters. I'll try to reel it in a bit to make this good, but be warned, Harry will be pretty OP. Sorry if you don't like that.

He's going to be an animagus and he's going to be really good at magic (which he already is, but I'm upping it for the sake of this story). Anyways, I'm not giving you any more spoilers, so you'll have to read if you want to know more (Shameless self promo, ayyye!).

Whew, that was a lot. I hope you stick around for the rest of this, and I hope you have a nice day! Oh, and if you find any other triggers, ships, or deviations I missed, please tell me so I can update this.

Also, have the cover art.

Also, have the cover art

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I'm very proud of it.

New cover!

I much prefer this one

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I much prefer this one.

UPDATE: Added a ship.
UPDATE: Adjusted the date James and Lily died.
UPDATE: New cover.
UPDATE: Misspelled a ship name <3 I'm useless.

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