Chapter 3 - The Arriving Day

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Ron, Harry, and Hermione sat on the bench at the Gryffindor table in the great hall, sitting in that order, Hermione being the closest to the staff table.

Despite the fact that their headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, was standing on the pedestal in front of the table, Harry couldn't pry his eyes off of their new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He wanted to know why the man looked so familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe something in the past?

As Dumbledore began talking, he forced his eyes off of Lupin and pinned them on the elderly man, who began speaking in the warm, welcoming tone he always used.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, all of our new students, and welcome back everyone who's been here before! I'm excited for our next year, and I hope you all have a lovely one," He said loudly, smiling widely, "We do have a few announcements to make before I can allow the sorting to commence, so please, listen up!" He continued, "Firstly, I'd like to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is, in fact, forbidden, and punishments will be given if you enter without permission from a staff member."

Harry muttered to Ron, "Unless you've got detention, then we'll send you in there all alone, with no protection..." He sassed, and Ron had to cover his mouth to stifle his giggling.

Dumbledore continued "Secondly, due to the escaped prisoner," Harry could've sword Dumbledore glanced at him, "There will be a lot more security this year, so be careful!" He called, and a few people glanced around as though they could see said security, "And lastly, after our last Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher's retirement, we've got a new one; Professor Remus Lupin," He said, "Now that we've got all of that out of the way, let the sorting begin!" He finished, stepping down and making his way to his chair.

Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, walked up to the stage, in front of the podium, and set a stool down, on top of which was an old, weathered wizard's hat. She pulled a list out of her pocket as the hat ripped open and began to sing it's tune for the year.

As it sung, Harry glanced at the new first years, and he could instantly tell who were either muggleborn, raised by muggles, or hadn't been told about the Sorting Hat. They all looked absolutely shocked at the fact the longer part of the hat had torn away from the brim and music had suddenly sprouted from the tear and filled the air.

Once it stopped, McGonagall stepped forwards and began speaking, "Hello, students," She said, her Scottish accent making Harry feel at home, "Welcome to, or welcome back to Hogwarts. Now, we will be doing the sorting. You, the new students, will be sorted into one of the four houses; Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin. Each house has its own key features;

"Hufflepuffs are kind, loyal, and trustworthy. Ravenclaws are intelligent, creative, and witty. Gryffindors are brave, strong, and adventurous. Slytherins are cunning, ambitious, and resourceful. Once you are sorted into your house, your housemates will become like your family. You will live in the same dormitory, go to the same classes, and make friendships.

"Your Head of House will be either myself, if you are a Gryffindor, Professor Minerva McGonagall, Professor Severus Snape, if you are s Slytherin, Professor Filius Flitwick, if you are a Ravenclaw, or Professor Pomona Sprout, of you are a Hufflepuff.

"Now that you understand that much, the sorting can commence. You will, once your name is called, come up here and sit down, and place the sorting hat on your head. Once it calls out your house, you will go and sit at your designated table," She finished, picking up the Sorting Hat and calling out the first name.

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