Chapter 4 - You're Cub

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Harry slowly opened his eyes, looking at the window over the head of his bed. He absorbed the red and gold around him. He sighed when he realized he forgot to draw the curtains before he went to bed. That made his anxiety act up, but what can you do.

He slowly stretched out, groaning in satisfaction as his joints popped. He relaxed into his soft pillow, pulling his blanket a bit higher as he slowly blinked the sleep out of his eyes and yawned, willing himself to get the fuck up.

After about five minutes, he finally pushed the covers down, grabbing his wand off of his nightstand and casting a quick spell to check the time. Six. He set his wand back down and flopped backwards, turning to his side and curling up, pulling the blanket back up, over his head.

He had adjusted to life with the Dursleys; he wasn't used to being able to wake up after seven. His body was telling him that it was past five, so if he didn't get up soon, he wouldn't have time to clean up, and he would get beaten. He frowned at that thought, but pushed it away and curled up tighter. He shut his eyes, deciding to try and get some more sleep.


The plan to get more sleep went a total of nowhere. After a whole hour of laying there, trying to sleep, Harry heard Dean wake up. He gritted his teeth, upset at himself for not being able to sleep again, but took a deep breath and sat up, opening his curtains and getting up.

"Morning, Harry," Dean said, rifling though his trunk. He offered Harry a smile, which he returned quickly.

"Good morning, Dean," He responded, sitting down at the foot of his own bed, in front of his trunk, moving his broom off of the box, and looking through it. He looked through it until he found a neatly folded set of long robes with red and gold details, along with a white button up, a grey over shirt with more red and gold details, black slacks, a red and gold striped tie, grey sneakers and new boxers. He folded them over his arm and went to the bathroom.

Harry turned the shower on, stepping under the lukewarm water. He quickly washed himself off, stepping out. He cast a quick set of drying spells in place of getting a towel and pulled his clothes on, looking in the mirror afterwards to loosely style his hair so it fully covered his scar.

Once he felt he was presentable, he stepped out, greeting Ron, who said hello back and took his place in the bathroom. Harry went to his trunk, pulling out his bag, which he put all of his books into. The bag was a large leather bag that had a flap with a button to close it, along with a single strap over his shoulder; a mail bag.

He picked up his wand and stuck it in the front pocket of his robe, before walking over to the wall beside the bathroom and leaning on it, waiting.

Once Ron walked out, the made small talk as they walked down to the common rooms, being joined by Hermione a few moments later. They walked down to the main hall for breakfast, sitting down in the same places they did the day prior. Hermione was sure to watch Harry throughout the meal.

He, like the day before, barely ate anything. It was getting genuinely worrying at this point. She could understand not being too hungry the day before; maybe he just didn't have much of an appetite, or maybe he had eaten before the train. But now? He had barely eaten anything for the past twenty-four hours.

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