[ 10. rat man the rescuer ]

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| y/n's pov |

"THOMAS!" I YELLED and shook the boy awake. "Wake up! We gotta go! Come on!"

He scrambled up and I jumped out of the helicopter like Minho had just seconds before. I ran through the sand to catch up to my friends, shooting Thomas a second glance as he ran back to get something from the helicopter.

I looked up to see a massive, fortress-like building in front of us. Thick stone walls and towers with lights.

Different guys in dark outfits like the ones who saved us ran past with guns.

Sand blew around in the warm air, some specks getting in my eyes.

We made it through the huge doors to the building to the shelter inside.

More soldier guys running around, shipping containers and crates, some sort of car, lots of guns. It was insane.

Thomas ran in as the doors closed and joined back up with our group.

We all stood around staring until we were ushered away to a much smaller room, probably for storage.

"What, what was going on out there?" Thomas asked the men.

"Nothing we can't handle." The man closed the door and we were stuck in darkness.

"Hey!" Thomas started banging on the door as the lights turned on. "Let us out!"

We all froze at the sight in front of us. There were three large tables in the middle and they were covered in food. Chicken, grapes, cookies, potatoes, spinach, bread, you name it.

"Dibs on the rice!" Frypan said and we all rushed towards the tables.

"This is way better than Frypan's slop." Winston chuckled as he took a bite of some chicken and Minho drank a whole pitcher of water.

"Minho, pass me one of those." I reached out my arm and he tossed me two of the cookies.

A few of them in the group started tossing the rice at each other.

"The rice!" Fry laughed as he ate.

It didn't take long for us to eat all of it and soon we were all slumped around the room. It was the best food I'd had in, like, forever.

I sat beside Teresa, looking over at Thomas. His dark hair sitting over his brown eyes, the moles scattered around his cheeks. He was quite beautiful.

"I don't know who these guys are, but they can cook." Frypan said as he finished off the rice.

"But who are they really, though?" Teresa asked. "I mean, we don't know anything about them."

"Well, we know they're no friends of WICKED." Newt said from where he sat behind me.

"That's good enough for me." Minho chimed in, lying on an empty table. "You guys think too much. We're free. Enjoy it."

The door to the room opened and we all jumped up to see who it was.

A man with rat-like facial features and white streaks in the side of his hair walked in.

"You kids doing all right?" Rat Man asked. "Sorry about all the fuss. We had ourselves a bit of a swarm."

"Who are you?" Thomas asked him.

"I'm the reason you're all still alive. It's my intention to keep you that way." He didn't really answer Thomas' question. "Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away."

He took us back through the larger, industrial part of the building.

"You can call me Mr. Janson. I run this place." Rat Man introduced. "For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves."

"Does that mean you're taking us home?" Thomas asked.

Mr. Janson looked back at him. "A home of sorts. Sadly, there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge, outside the Scorch, where WICKED will never find you again. How does that sound?"

"Why are you helping us?" Minho questioned.

"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. We're all hanging on by a very thin thread." Rat Man didn't properly answer his question. "The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed."

He stopped in front of another door and swiped a key card.

"Beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives."

The door lifted open to reveal a very long hallway.

"First things first, let's do something about that smell."

Bit rude, but okay.

The boys were taken into one room, and Teresa and I to another.

We were handed a pile of clean clothes each and a towel, and sent inside the room. Showers lined up every wall and we smiled at each other.

Teresa and I put down our new clothes and peeled off our old Glade ones that were caked with sweat, blood and dirt.

The best part about this all? Hot water.

The second I stepped into the shower I immediately felt all the grime and dirt washing away. All the sweat and grease in my hair disappearing.

Then there was the stinging pain in my arm. My cut from the Griever. I totally forgot about the large gash in my arm. It had stopped bleeding on the helicopter and now it was just a large, red, fleshy slice.

Every time the hot water touched it, I winced, but dealt with it cause the shower itself was the best I'd had for as long as I can remember.

"I don't know about you, Teresa," I said as I let the water soak into my hair. "But this is probably the best shower I've ever had."

She laughed. "This is amazing."

We were probably in there for an hour before we finally turned them off and dried off with the soft towels.

After the showers and we'd gotten dressed, we were taken to a room full of doctors and stuff.

I looked around at the boys until I spotted Thomas, who had a look of relief across his face when he saw me.

Teresa was taken away from me and I was taken to a bed just nearby where I stood.

The cut on my arm was cleaned and bandaged by the really nice doctor. After that, she took some of my blood from my arm.

"Evening, Dr. Crawford." The doctor with Thomas said to a woman walking down the middle of the room.

"Good evening. How are the new arrivals holding up?"

"So far, so good."

She walked over to Teresa and closed the curtain around her.

A soldier came in and told Thomas to go with him. I'm pretty sure the doctor beside me said something, but I was too busy watching him with worry. He glanced back at me as he walked past, and then he was gone.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora