27: If Jamia Had To Compare His Dick To A Fruit...

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"Do you have anything to say for yourself at all?"

And Lindsey didn't, and Alicia wasn't good at being angry, and Jamia was the worst third wheel known to mankind, but still, this was happening, and there was very little escape from reality at this point.

Because although it hadn't exactly been a full scale Romeo and Juliet esque kind of tragedy, guilt had seeped in and twisted and corrupted the whole damn world, and perhaps that was just enough to destroy everything.

Or perhaps it wasn't, but at this point, none of three particularly wanted to find out all that much.

It was taking chances, and it was taking them too far, and it was the fallout, and it was the screaming inside your head, and it was surrender of sorts; it was an awkward smile, it was an apology not quite verbalised, an attempt not quite good enough, and on Alicia's part, patience not quite strong enough.

And Jamia was still clinging to the belief that she was straight, even after Alicia had finally shown up to meet them, and had found her girlfriend kissing a 'straight girl', and Jamia was a straight girl, seriously, but this kind of situation most certainly didn't paint her to be so.

"Lindsey, fucking say something... anything, please." She was distraught, and confused, and feelings were nothing but mutual as Lindsey continued to kick the dirt with the toe of her shoe, perhaps working on digging herself a tunnel across the world as a way out of here, but putting hope into that was just about as logic as this mess itself, and she knew that.

"I kissed her, there you go."

And they both knew that was exactly all they were getting from Lindsey from now on.

"Yeah, I fucking got that." Alicia rolled her eyes, wishing that she was just back with Gee, wishing that she'd never even come, in fact, and where the fuck was Frank in all of this, and for the most part, Alicia reckoned that perhaps she didn't even want to know.

"I'm straight." Jamia added, not that it counted for much under the circumstances, and especially when Alicia already wanted to slap her across the face as much as she did.

"Yeah, fucking 'straight' enough to kiss a girl. Who are you, Katy fucking Perry? Did you like it? Or is this the no homo phase, because come on, fuck off, and leave my girlfriend alone, how about that for a fucking idea, huh?"

Alicia had never really had the chance to form much of an opinion on Jamia, but she reckoned now was her chance, and she reckoned that in terms of chances, Jamia had just about destroyed hers.

Alicia glanced again at her girlfriend, or perhaps ex at this point, she didn't know, and it was killing her, even if she couldn't quite bring herself to admit that it was.

"Lindsey, fucking come on-" She reached out for her girlfriend's hand, glaring at Jamia a little as she did so. "Let's just go, let's just forget about this, forget about her, let's just go."

"No." Lindsey was defiant, and red cheeked, and not looking at either girl, because at this point, she had fucked up, and she knew it. "Because it's not Jamia's fault, it's mine."

"Alright then, go on, go fucking marry the straight girl, yeah, go fucking do that, Lindsey, what a fucking great idea, don't you think?"

They'd both lost it at this point, and Alicia knew she was seconds, moments, away from crying, and if there was anything in the world she could possibly hate more than this situation itself, it was Lindsey and Jamia seeing her cry in this situation, because Alicia didn't quite know who she was yet, but most definitely didn't want to be the one who cried, the fucking wimp, the mess, the ex-girlfriend, someone Lindsey Ballato once knew, but there was very little she could do about that now.

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