2: Mikey Way's Raging Teenage Angst/Boner

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"I dread to know what is in those shopping bags, to be honest." Mikey's gaze fell to the four plastic bags that Gerard and Lindsey carried between the two of them, and the younger of the two brothers couldn't help but cringe at the blatantly feminine nature of the brands and logos imprinted upon the white plastic, stretched and heavy with the contents of the bags.

"Not like this has to be any of your business, Mikey." Gerard remarked, his tone snide as he heaved the bags to the table beside the foot of the stairs, telling himself he'd take them upstairs later, despite the inevitable untruth in that statement.

"Well, you are my brother, unfortunately, and you are just about going to ruin your life and in turn mine with this stupid decision, so just a heads up, that when you've messed up don't fucking run to me for sympathy." Mikey rolled his eyes at Gerard's wide eyed almost confused gaze, grabbing his coffee from the table and making his way upstairs in order to blast his music way too loud and hate his brother really, really angstily and ring Alicia on the mainline and fucking make his family sorry with the phone bill, of course, until his mum came home and told him to stop, but Mikey was quite the angsty misunderstood teenager and would probably ignore her existence and refuse dinner, unless it was pizza, because Mikey wasn't stupid, of course.

"It's just one date kind of thing, Mikey. There's no telling he'll even be interested in me..." Gerard's tone faltered at that, his words no longer shouted up the stairs after his younger brother, but directed at the floor and almost melancholically so. "I mean, it's Frank."

"As much as I hate to say it, asshole, he didn't catcall you in a dress for nothing." Lindsey exhaled as she spoke, burying her dignity in favour of friendship and trying her best not to punch herself at the wide grin that followed.

"Yeah, I mean, this'll be easy, I just gotta turn up at that skate park dressed all pretty and shit, and it'll be fine." Gerard grinned rolling his sleeves up as he went to make himself a cup of coffee, only to find that Mikey had rather angstily used up all the coffee. "No fucking coffee." He commented aloud, perhaps to Lindsey, perhaps to the wall, rolling his eyes and making his way into the living room, Lindsey sighing: used to this, yet no way complacent with it.

"You might actually want to shave and learn how to put makeup on properly and shit, before you actually go out for real and see him." Lindsey pointed out, her eyes fixated upon the Way family picture lying crooked and ignored, propped up on the fire place top across the room from the armchair Lindsey had taken; Gerard having consumed the sofa entirely with his sprawled out body, flipping through channels on TV in search of something that didn't make him want to punch himself in the face.

"Fuck off Lindsay fucking Lohan! Is there a fucking channel she is not on?" Gerard groaned, his voice muffled against the cushion his face was half buried in, one eye focused on the TV screen across the room.

"If you don't like Mean Girls, you make a pretty crap girl, just saying." Lindsey noted, her eyes still fixated upon the photo of the asshole on the sofa next to her from ten years ago, and she sighed almost, shaking her head a little as she wondered what the little kid in the photo would say about himself now and the contents of the shopping bags in the hallway, and the dickhead this was all for.

"I can put on eyeliner, I will wear a dress. What more is there really too it?" Gerard groaned, his gaze catching Lindsey's as he gave up all hope upon the TV, switching the thing off entirely and at the plug socket beside the sofa that screwed with all the power in the house for the next five or so minutes, slamming Mikey's blasted Metallica to a halt also, and Gerard couldn't help but smirk as he sat up, watching Lindsey raise her eyebrows before turning her gaze to the stairs as Mikey's feet fall like elephant stampedes, rapidly approaching his brother with the wonderful gift of a fist to the face.

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