5: Frank Iero And The Phantom Uncle

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"Are you sure this is okay?" Gerard, or Gee, as he is right now, dressed in a skirt that's definitely tight enough to be doing some serious damage to his intestines right now, called out, the tone of his voice filled with nerves and very obviously so.

The sixteen year old only chuckled in response, running a hand back through his dyed black hair, not even turning to Gerard, before pushing open the door of his 'uncle's house. Gerard really doubted he even had an uncle, though he was far too busy praying that they wouldn't get arrested for trespassing to really consider the possibility of Frank's phantom uncle.

"Absolutely fine, Gee." He confirmed into the silence as he held the door open for his 'date', and perhaps Gerard would have blushed if he wasn't shitting himself right now, because dear lord, only know was he realising just how much of a fucking pansy he was in comparison to Frank fucking Iero. "It's fine - he's just on holiday for a few weeks, so it makes this just a perfect place to spend some time alone together."

"So this is your pathetic attempt at a no-money required date, huh?" Gerard smirked, eyebrows raised high as they both knew that there was no point in Frank even saying anything more, as Gerard was simply just right - without a single doubt.

"Date? Is that what you want this to be, sugar?" Frank let a smirk take over his face as Gerard descended into a cherry red blush, dipping his head a little as he resorted to following Frank into the kitchen, awkwardly slipping his shoes off next to where Frank had done so, and almost with an air of confidence and professionalism that provided a hilarious contrast to Gerard's nervous, stuttering demeanour. Frank didn't mind though.

"I don't mind though, Gee. Honestly, you're cute, I'm cute - what can go wrong?" He grinned, filling Gerard's blushing silence with nothing but a reason for his blush to deepen as he considered burying himself six feet deep right now, right in the middle of Frank's 'uncle's' house.

Mikey was right - this was a fucking stupid idea.

Frank pulled open a cupboard or two, his eyes pulling themselves over the objects gathered in an uncluttered mess behind the off white doors of decade old cabinets, stopping with a smirk, as he pulled out a six pack of beer, lifting it up and pushing it onto the breakfast bar that Gerard found himself awkwardly leaning against as he continued to watch Frank: cheeks as red as ever.

"Isn't this technically stealing?" Gerard asked, stuttering over his words a little, as he struggled to admit that maybe he cared just a little too much about Frank's opinion of him for his own good.

"Aren't you technically a stuck up piece of shit?" Frank rolled his eyes at Gerard's wide-eyed reaction, reaching through the cupboards and retrieving far too much chocolate, which he placed beside the beer. "I'm joking, princess, but seriously - cool it. My uncle's fine with this. He's a cool guy, you know."

"So we're going to eat his food, drink his booze and laze around his house for a few hours, and just hope that he doesn't have a vaguely advanced alarm system or particularly nosy neighbours?"

"Of course he doesn't - he's my uncle, come on, Gee." Frank rolled his eyes, lifting the six-pack of beer up off the counter, and gesturing for Gee to take the chocolate, and maybe this was the only time that the seventeen year old found himself in gratitude of his feminine pretence. "Let's go up to the attic - he has a surround sound system in there - it sounds fucking sick, and there's no smoke alarm up there and I really need a fag, or possibly more than that."

And oh how much Gerard wanted to say 'you need a fag? You've a already got me.' but that would have most likely gotten him punched in the face, and Frank Iero was the kind of guy you just kind of knew would certainly fuck you up with his fist if he wanted to, and really that could be taken either of two ways, and with his current situation, Gerard still didn't quite know as to which of the two would be the more problematic.

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