author's note

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Assalaamu 'Alaikum (peace be upon you),

A disclaimer before you begin this journey with me:

1) I'm pantsing this story all the way. I only have a vague idea of the plot / characters and some major events throughout but I have a strong desire to write this story a strong desire to share it as I write it.

2) Because of the way I'm writing this story, there may be significant changes in the storyline throughout. I might change some things up, add / take out other things. If you have the patience for that, roll right on. If not (which I completely understand), you're better off reading this story when (*cough* if *cough*) I finish it.

3) Please be patient with me. I've had severe, intense writers' block for over a year now and I'm not sure why. It's been persistent and torturous, especially since writing is like a lifeline to me. Please keep me in your prayers and pray Allah cures me of this. Publishing this story a chapter at a time even though I have possibly no idea where it may go is my attempt at combating this insufferable writers' block. So please, please bear with me.

4) The cover and title are both tentative (not sure if I like either, especially the cover so if you're good at that kinda thing, *cough cough*).

5) Enjoy. :)

Wa 'Alaikum Salaam (and peace be upon you)

. . .

[Copyright 2023 © Kainat Azhar.
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