Introduction of Sorts

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So for those who have been around my little Wattpad corner, I've been on a hiatus while I dealt with my mental health issues and other challenges. It has been a rough couple of years for me. At some point I'm likely to write about it in hopes that my journey might help others in a similar journey or who had the similar mindset I had for the longest time: that I could do it alone. But for now, I just want to see if I can enjoy writing again. My self deprivation was quite debilitating for the longest time and I hadn't written anything for at least a year, maybe longer. I honestly don't remember the last time I attempted to write before I ended up in a puddle of "woe is me, I suck" was. It likely was around the time I went on my Wattpad hiatus.

Finally I started to get the inkling of wanting to write again but also concerned with taking on too much before I'm ready, thus this "story" is born. I'll be honest...I don't know how much I'm actually going to put in it or if anything will actually be finished. Hell I didn't even make a cover, I just took whatever cute random cover I saw on Canva. The main reason I have decided to post this randomness is a test for myself. I want to see if some of my issues with Wattpad (that were exasperated by my mental health crash) are still there or if I have a better grip on them. Whether or not random short stories can show me that remains to be seen.

For now there will be no novels written by me. No continuation of the Draygon Series or anything new. For now I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind. Good, bad, terrible. My goal is to just start slow and find my joy in writing again. I have always maintained I can hate my writing but I'd do it as long as I had fun. Once it stopped being fun is when I stopped. So here's to finding my fun again.

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