twenty eight

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"My favorite people!" Michael spoke as soon as we walked into his office, himself immediately hugging Montana, who welcomed it.

"Ready to get this shit over with?" He asked her, making her exhale.

"Let's get it over with." She confirmed.

"You can just roll your leggings down to where they're at the same level of your hip bones if you're more comfortable that way. After that you can just lay on the bed, take some deep breaths and let us know when you're ready for us to come back in." Michael told her, making her nod slowly before he shut the curtain, looking to us.

"She okay?" He whispered.

"For now, yes"


My heart was beating in my ass.

This was nothing.

I had done this before.

Luke was here
Ashton was here
I was familiar and comfortable with Michael

Everything was okay.

I rolled my leggings as said before laying down, taking my time to breathe as he said to do.

And as soon as I felt okay, I told them to come in.

They entered one my one, Michael sitting by the machine, staring to the screen, Luke coming to my other side, sitting right by my head, Ashton sitting right beside Luke.

"Okay, I need your weight and height" he spoke, making me hum before I just gave that question to Luke, knowing that I honestly didn't know.

I watched him quickly tap through his iPad before answering

"One hundred and ten pounds, five foot two" he answered swiftly.

I had lost weight for sure.
I used to have to keep my weight up for soccer, guess that was over with now.

I felt Luke grab my hand, making me smile.

"Okay Ms.Montana" michael spoke as he put gel on the little stick, glancing to me.

"Remember, just grab my hand or push me away if you feel uncomfortable."

He lifted the gown slightly before gently touching the warm gel to my stomach, making me look to Luke instead of the screen like everyone else.

Luke comforted me, talking to me about a FaceTime that he had with his family last night.

"It made me miss them, but they're all coming here for Christmas, so it should be good" he spoke happily.

"Where do they live?" I asked him quietly.

"Australia" he answered swiftly.

"You're from Australia?" I asked quickly, seeing him laugh

We all are- even Calum" Michael spoke, never taking his eyes from the screen.

"But you don't have accents" I spoke, extremely confused.

"We do, they're just not as thick as they used to be, we are becoming accumulated to the American accent" ashton answered with a smile.

"Weird" I responded, making them laugh lightly.

Before I was able to question anymore into the Australian facts, I heard Ashton

"Can't really see anything, can you?"

My heart dropped

"Not really, but I'm still looking."

This made me glance to the screen where I couldn't make out a single detail, which I don't know that I would've been able to make out a detail on a perfect set of ovaries, but it still made me nervous.

I looked to Luke, who immediately smiled to me, kissing my knuckles gently.

"Yeah- I can't get anything." michael broke the news after a solid thirty minutes of him continuously trying regardless of Ashton telling him he wasn't going to get anything.

Everyone looked to me.

"So that means what I think it means?" I asked, seeing them nod.

"Yeah, it does." Luke confirmed.

"Okay." I exhaled

I wanted to cry, but I held it in.

I wiped the gel from my stomach, fixing my leggings before following to the room that the ultrasound would occur in.

It was a more private and closed off room, which surgery lights and a bigger machine that looked similar to the other ultrasound machine.

"Okay gorgeous" Luke exhaled as we walked in, my own body immediately getting dramatically hot.

"We are going to step outside for you to get comfortable with Stephanie- she's the nurse that will be assisting-" "please don't leave me". I blurted out before I could even think to Luke


"Okay." I spoke firmly to her, just wanting her comfortable.

"We will join you guys when she's ready." Ashton spoke, making me nod- him and Michael leaving the room.

I watched Montana pick at the skin on her hands, which I immediately stopped, telling her to relax.

"Okay montana" the nurse exhaled, knowing the situation and seeming more than sympathetic about it already.

"Leggings and underwear off, we are going to have you sit on the bed for now, I'll cover you up and get everything attached to you." She told her calmly.

I turned without having to be asked for Montana, hearing her soon sit on the bed, receiving directions from Stephanie as she did.

"Okay Doctor Hemmings, she's covered" Stephanie told me, making me join her again as she attached electrodes to her chest and a blood pressure cup to her arm.

"You okay?" I asked her, making her nod slowly.

Ashton and Michael joined us as Stephanie set up the sedative.

Just as I tried to get Montana to lay back and not watch every single thing Michael was doing- she flipped completely and panicked.

"I don't want to say down" her voice raised, not to a yelling point but you could hear her panicking.

"You're okay." I told her firmly as Michael joined our conversation.

"No one is doing anything Montana, you are fine. I will tell you everything before it even happens, okay?" He told her calmly, which she agreed too,  but was still panicking.

"Would it make you feel better if Luke sat with you?" He asked her slowly, which made us both confused.

"Sometimes I do this with younger patients and parents or moms that just want their partners support, Luke can sit directly behind you and hold you into his chest for a little extra support" he spoke firmly, making her look to me.

She didn't even have to ask me, I did it- making sure I wasn't making her uncomfortable.

I pulled her small body into my chest, hugging her tightly, making sure she was still covered and that all of the cords were still functioning

"Okay montana, small shot on your left arm, just something to relax you- it will not put you to sleep." Michael told her firmly, making her nod, looking away from him wiping her arm.

He gave her the shot, nodding

"We will give that about ten minutes to kick in and then get started"

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