Cнаpтёя Fїfтч-Ѳпё

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A bullet hit my in my bicep and digged into my skin. Searing pain soared through my arms. I grit my teeth and grind mmmm then against each other. Forget the fucking bullet, what about Aliyah? Mh mind was on Aliyah. My body knocked back and crashed against the floor.

"Kazimir," she yells.

My vision went in and out, mixing with darkness and light. My head started to spin and I felt the blackness creeping in on me. I couldn't focus on anything. My ears starting to ring and the burning sensation of the bullet in my arm.

I grit it my teeth and didn't allow myself to slip away any further. I fought against the darkness and blinked repeatedly. A warm liquid travels down my face and was guessing it was blood. The bullet grazed my head.

Aliyah held me in her arms crying. Her tears landing on my face. She looked so distraught and my blood covered her hands. The bullet didn't hit her so that's all I care about.

She starts to yell in Russian and I am sure that I was imagining it. Had I already died? That would be impossible. My ears stopped ringing and I heard the chaos around me.

"Don't you fucking die on me," she cries.

I looked up at her and her breast were in my face. It wasn't the time at all. I ignored the searing pain in my arm and growing headache in my head. She brushes my hair to the side and more tears drops fall out of her eyes.

"Don't leave me," she pleads.

"I'm right here," I rasp.

"The bullet it," she stammers.

"It only grazed my head," I mumble.

She kissed my lips and I used my left arm to hold her face. It was a short kiss, before medical people came over. I looked around and didn't spot my sister or mother anywhere. I hoped they had gotten to safety.

The medical people spoke to her in Russian and I could barely make out words to translate for her. She nods her and replied to them in Russian. So I hadn't imagined her speaking Russian.

I felt myself slipping back into my mind and into the darkness. I tried to fight against, but it was winning. I cannot die today nor do I plan to die any time soon. The darkness engulfs me, I see and hear nothing.

I blinked and had to squeeze my eyes shut. The light was blinding me and I opened my eyes again. I heard the beeping sound of a monitor and I slowly adjusted to the light.

I feel someone's head laying on my hand and I crane my neck to weight on my hand. Aliyah's head laid against my hand. She snored softly and I moved my hand from under her head.

I traced my head along the line of her cornrows as she likes to call them. The clean parting that was usually there was half visible now. She stirs and I stop touching her head.

I relaxed against the hospital bed and looked out the window. My head and body felt heavy. I looked over at the dripping sound. They put me on drip, how long was I out for? I couldn't feel any pain which made me feel more grateful.

I had almost died yesterday and I would have left my lioness behind. I remember her tears falling on my face and they way she cried for me to live. The panic in her voice when she thought I was going die.

I didn't press the nurse button or anything. I laid there on the bed, playing out different possibilities of the accident. I wanted Aliyah to rest first, before I had anyone disturb me. I know she was struggling to sleep at night time as well.

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