Cнаpтёя Fїfтч-Tщѳ

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"Are you going to ignore me?"

She still doesn't answer me. She stayed quiet and knowing her I took that as a no. She is going to talk to me sooner or late. I got my phone and I knew my sisters number from the top of my head. I called the her number, she answered on the second ring.

"I'm on my way to the hospital now," she says.

"Bring food, something American."

"Not even a please?"

"No, just bring me food."

I hung up the phone on her. I wasn't hungry, but I wanted Aliyah to eat something. I haven't seen her eat anything, even though she says she has. I was watching her more carefully now. She moved on my lap and changed her head position on my chest.

Instead of her giving me the silent treatment, I would have preferred where she was naked and moaning. However I can't always get what I want as she said. She sits up and rest her hands on my chest.

"Ready to talk to me now?"


I don't why she was so upset. She might be mad at herself or me. She did give into me in the shower and I had fun. I lick my lips and the faint taste of her still on my lips. She pursed her lips and moved to get off my lap. I grab her by her waist with my good arm.

"I need to go use the bathroom."

"Are you going to talk to me?"

"Yes, let me go now," she sighs.

I lean in and take her lips into mine. She only uses her lips to kiss me and I bite her bottom lip gently. I push my tongue into her mouth and she tries to resist. A second later she gives in and I suck on her tongue.

"Kaz, lemme go pee," she says, in between kisses.

I pull away and her lips were wet from us kissing. She gets off of my lap and hurries to the bathroom. I let my eyes wander back to the large window. The snow had stopped, but it was cloudy and grey outside. She comes back after a few minutes, but goes to sit on the couch instead of come back to me.

"Come over here," I said.

She goes on her phone and looks in her bag for something. She sticks her middle finger up at me. I got up out of the bed and walked over to her. It wasn't my legs that was injured it was my arm.

"Don't irritate me , I want you next to me all the time," I scowl.

"Kaz, I'm still right here. I'm not going anywhere," she says.

"No, I want to touch you."

"Gimme one second, you're so needy," she comments.

"I am very needy when it comes to you."

I sat down next to her and she scoots away from me. Now that I was fully awake and able to move by myself, she pulled away from me. When I first woke up, I think it was just relief that I wasn't dead.

"You shouldn't be moving about. You need to rest," she argues.

"I will rest when your in my arms, so come here."

I reach for her and she pulls back from. I furrow my eyebrows at her. Why was she acting like this? What was going through that brain of hers that she didn't want me to touch her?

"Aliyah, stop fucking playing with me. What's wrong now?"

"Nothing, I just want my space," she sighs.

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