The cast crew.

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My name is Alice and I live in South Carolina and have been trying to become an actor ever since I was little. I have brown curly hair with green eyes. I am also 25 years old. I have only been in one movie. ( Charlie and the chocolate factory). I was violet. Ever since than I took a break, but as of now I wanna be able to continue. I have been obsessed with Elvis ever since i was little. And then I heard there was gonna be and Elvis movie, I knew I had to audition! I wanted to try out for  Percilla Elvis's wife. I did my makeup to match hers and sent out a videotape of me. I was hoping for the best.

  It has been 3 days since j have sent in the tape. I checked my phone every hour to see if I got any email or confirmation. While I was eating dinner I got a notification and saw that it was from an unknown number, I lok to see who it is and what it says. To my surprise it was Baz ( director of Elvis) when I tell you I almost shit my self when I saw the message...

                     Unknown number
Hey , this is Baz director of Elvis. I saw your tape and the minute I saw it I was so happy. I think you would be the perfect fit for her. If you wouldn't mind I would love for you to come bye and see the rest of the cast on Monday. Lmk ASAP.
                                          Hi Baz this is Alice, I am so honored to have this opportunity. I would love to come in! Lmk where!! Thank you so much!!
Omg I was so excited I had to call my best friend right away. My best friend means the world to me. My best friend is Maddie Clyne, she plays Sarah in "Outer Banks". When I called her she was so excited!!! "Wait Alice you do know who is playing Elvis right?"She says with a playful tone. "No.. I'm meeting them on Monday why?" I say confused " Omg how have you not heard..... it's fucking AUSTIN BUTLER!" Mads says. Austin butler has been one of my celebrity crushers for not to long of a time but I think he is a great actor. " You're joking" I say in disbelief. "Girl I stg im not joking. WAIT OMG IMAGINE OF ALL THESE YEARS YOU TWO GET TOGETHER! That would seriously be a power couple... Gurl now is your chance!!!!" Mads says. " you know how much I would love that but there is definitely not a chance of that happening so pls don't get your hopes up. And plus I have a boyfriend remember,Alex" I say in misery. " forget that asshole, I told you he is up to something no good he is always out late never comes to your house in time never takes you out doesn't even talk to you." She says with a stern tone. " I know but I don't know 100% sure that's he is not just still shy." I say. " shy.. really after 3 years he is still "shy" that's not possible."she says " whatever I have to go Goodnight babes luv ya!" My boyfriend Alex is never around anymore he is always staying at his moms or out with the boys. We don't even have sex anymore it's been months. I don't know what's up with him. I moved in with hime when I was 22 we met in college and fell in love right away but for the past year I haven't felt he feels that way anymore, and now I'm sure I don't either. At this point I'm just playing by ear.
I was so anxious to get to meet the cast and stuff. But I was mostly excited to meet Austin. I know it's bad to be excited for that even though I have a boyfriend but still it would be nice to be friends. It's now 11:45 am I have to be there at 12:15 pm. Baz texts me making sure I'm going to be there. I tell him yes of course. I hop in my car and make sure I look real nice. Today I put on natural but glam makeup and let my loose curls out. I wore a tight black dress with plain red heels trying to keep it a little casual but still nice. After 20 minutes I got there just in time after a quick Starbucks run. When I got there a lady named Emma took me to a trailer with my name on it. I didn't know we were getting that serious yet. When I then saw right across from mine Austin's. When I got in the trailer it was huge. I got all my stuff together and then Emma told me she would come back soon to get me for the meeting. And in the mean time i should try to socialize with the other cast members mainly Austin. When she left I sat in the chair and just stayed there for a couple of minutes when I suddenly heard a know on my door, thinking it was Emma but when I opened the door I say Austin standing there.

Hiii everyone thanks for reading this first part I know it's a bit short and a little boring but I Promis next part with get a little spicy if you know what I mean ;) pls lmk for any suggestions!

Me and .... Austin Butler Where stories live. Discover now