The breakdown

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Austin was standing at the door. I had butterfly's seeing him with his beautiful blonde hair and Ice blue eyes. "Oh hi" you say awkwardly "Hi I'm Austin I'm playing Elvis I uh thought I should stop by maybe get to know each other since you and I will be husband and wife." He says with his deep handsome hot voice, god I loved it. Shit I have a boyfriend come on. " Uh you okay" he says snapping me back into reality. " oh uh yea come in" I say nervously. "So is this your first movie" he says " No I was in Charlie and the chocolate factory, I was uh violet." I say " omg I love that movie that's so cool j knew I saw you somewhere" " yea but I took a big break and now I'm here" I say with a big smile on my face. " your really pretty and your names Alice right?" He says out of reassurance. My cheeks are bright red I can feel it Why did he just call me pretty and how does he know my name?! " thank you so much I'm very flattered and yes my name is Alice" I say nervously " your quite handsome yourself" omg did I really just say that?!!! I hate when my brain takes over my mouth. "He laughs at my words" " thank you, so uh you single?" He says with red cheeks of his own. " No I have a boyfriend named Alex, he actually doesn't know I'm in this movie, If he finds out he might freak. And I don't mean that in a good wa-" oh hey guys Baz is ready for you's" Emma says. "Okay"we both say as he holds the door for me. God he is such a gentleman.
When we get to the meeting there is a few other people there for example Tom hanks and all of the other mains. Baz sits us down " hey guys I'm so glad all of you made it I'm really honored to have all of you here. I just want to get a breakdown on all of your schedules and how we are gonna start filming. So before we get started I wanna let you guys know that there will be a few kissing scenes. I'm expecting them to be passionate I wanna make it look very real." As Baz says that he looks at me and Austin. My boyfriend is going to kill me. I look over at Austin he is already looking at me.  I just smile. He smiles back. " so I want you guys to really get to know each other since you will be working together for a while. Capeesh?"baz says. We all say " capeesh" " okay great I'll have to Emma hand out your schedules and lines and I will see you next week. You have until then to practice your lines that your in from scene one-three. That is how much I wanna get done next Monday! Okay then bye everyone thank you so much"! As I stand up I spot that Austin Is coming towards me. " hey Alice wait up!" I turn around to see hime chasing after me. " hey what's up" " do you wanna practice lines with me sometime this week?" He says " sure why not I'll let you know when I'm free!" " great see you soon, and before I forget can I get your number?" He says nervously "of course" when that is done and over with j get in my car and I check me phone to see my phone blown up with messages from Maddie.

Mads 🥰🥰
Girl Ik you are at work rn but pls look. I don't know how to tell you this. But I was at the mall and... I'll just show you the photo

Look at your boyfriend with this whore

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Look at your boyfriend with this whore. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.
Thank you so much Mads for letting me know I'll deal with this scumbag when I get home. 😭

I can't believe this rn I stg I'm gonna kill him.
I got home from work around 5:00pm when I open the door to my house I find my "boyfriend" sitting on the living room couch. I run straight to my room packing as much stuff as I could fit in a bag. I walk out to the living and he asked what I'm doing. "WHAT AM I DOING WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. FUCK YOU AND YOU UGLY ASS POOR ASS LOOKING SHIT. FUCK YOU WERE DONE. GO BACK TK YOUR OTHER SIDE CHICK OR SHOULD I SAY WHORE!" " babe wait what are you tal- I slammed the door shut. On my way out I sent him the photo Mads sent me of him. When I got in my car I had to process what had just happen. Tears runny down my face. What the fuck I say to my self. Then I realize I have no where to stay. I can't take the house alex payed for it he owns it. I start crying in my car turning it on. No idea where im about to go. I have no parents they don't talk to me anymore since I started dating Alex. What a waste of my god damn time. I don't wanna stay with Mads she has a boyfriend she is living with and it's a one room apartment and I don't wanna bother her. I decided to go to my trailer for work now that I have keys for it. I keep an air mattress in the back of my car because I like to go camping a lot. I have a pillow in the back of my car too a long with a big bath towel. I get to the trailer and like I said it's huge I put my air mattress down there and plug my phone in. By now it's 6:00pm. I decided to got to the store to pick up food and drinks and stuff for the week. I have a plan for showering. I would stop by the community pool and shower there when I need to. When I head into the store I got tk the bread isle picking up bagels and bread. When I get to the frozen section I pick up frozen fruit and little microwaveable stuff since I have one In the trailer. I then head over to the fruit section and then the pamper section for body wash and hair products. When suddenly I here a familiar voice shout my name. I turn around to see Austin waving at me. "Hey Alice what a nice surprise" " oh hey Austin" my voice is hoarse and my eyes are red and puffy since I've been crying. " hey... are you okay?" He says concerned. " yea im fine just Bad allergies" I say. " you sure you can talk to me Alice you know." Yea Ik thanks for asking" I say " yea no problem I was actually gonna text you to see if you wanna practice maybe.. this might sound a little crazy but like everyday this is week.?" He says with blushed cheeks " yea sure I don't have anything going down this week just send me your address I will stop by tomorrow at 1:00pm if that's okay?" I say " yea sure, we'll I see you tomorrow then Alice!" He says " bye bye" I say as I go finish my shopping.

When I get back to my trailer I set everything up with a newly bought mini fridge and toaster. I try to get some sleep until the next day.
I tried so hard to sleep but I just couldn't stop thinking about Austin. It was so sweet of him to try to make sure everything was okay. Should I have told him? No, I don't thing so I don't wanna make my self seem like a mess when I just got to know him a little better. Even though I am a mess.

It's the next day I wake up and get my self coffee from Starbucks and head over to Austin's. I knock on the door and he opens it with a huge smile on his face. "Hey wifey" he says joking around with a smile. " hey hubby" I say. " do you want anything to eat drink anything at all I got you" he says " thank you so much that's so sweet I'm okay though" " yea no problem I do have a question though. Are you okay and comfortable with the kissing scenes?"   "Yea I'm okay with it are you" I say "yea I'm good" " hey Austin um I have a question too?" I say non confidently. "Sure what's up" he says "are you single ?" He chuckles " yea I am and if I remember you aren't right excuse me if I'm wrong" he says " uh yes I did say that I had a boyfriend but unfortunately I don't anymore as of last night" I say holding back the tears in my eyes. Austin walks up to me hugging me tight "I'm so sorry is that why you were upset yesterday day? If you don't mind me asking what happened?" He said " I caught my boyfriend cheating" no longer able to hold back my tears crying into his shoulder. I felt safe in his arms his warm body up against mine. I feel as though i might have feeling for him. Now those feeling army just a celebrity crush. They are strong feelings. " I'm sorry is there anything I can do" he says. I pull away from his arms and say " no it's okay, I'm sorry I don't wanna look a mess right now" I chuckle wiping my tears. " it's okay I want you to know we are friends now and that I'm here for you. " thank you so much Austin is means a lot."  " no problem now let's get to practicing" Austin says excited trying to cheer me up.

________________________________ thank you guys so much for continuing this story the next one will be very fun! So stick around!!!

Me and .... Austin Butler Where stories live. Discover now