c.d. - overwhelmed

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summary: reader becomes overwhelmed while at a party and sneaks off to be alone, but is later discovered by someone unsuspecting. 

warnings: underage drinking, cigarettes, panic attack

this idea has based on a comment i received from SkinnyLegendthe6 in a previous chapter. 


you felt your hands begin to shake as you watched people crowd into chet danburry's tiny living room. you'd promised chris you would come hang out, but were beginning to rethink your promise. 

while looking around, despite your blurry vision, you could not spot your friend. you removed yourself from the sofa to check the kitchen for her but were bombarded by a group of jocks who were funneling alcohol in the hallway. 

the music and the voices were causing your head to spin, the bodies pushing against you made you nauseous, and the slurred words engulfed your brain. at this point, there was no stopping the incoming panic attack. 

there was no exit to remove yourself from the situation, but you knew you needed out immediately. you were not the assertive friend, that was chris's title. biting back any fear, you shoved a guy who was seconds away from getting a girl out of your way and heading straight for the bathroom. 

of course, this was a terrible decision. the bathroom had a line a mile long, and there was no chance you'd stand there and withstand the wait. instead, you booked it straight to the front door that was already standing wide-open. 

it felt like you were about to walk into the light, this was going to be your refuge. not a soul was in the front yard, mainly because all of the beer was inside. as you made it across the threshold, a wave of calmness hit. 

there were still the on-sets of a panic attack, but thankfully nothing ever came of it. the stoop was the only decent place to sit at the moment. it had already hit that point of the night where dew had settled in on the grass, and you felt it would be embarrassing to get your trousers wet. 

so the stoop it is. just somewhere to sit so you would not have to bear another moment in that wretched house with jocks and cheerleaders. not that any of them was a problem, but you most certainly preferred them all when they were sober. 

you began to contemplate if chris would even notice if you left. it wasn't like she would formerly say goodnight to you, especially since the last time you'd seen her, she was already tipsy. if you'd let loose just a bit, this could potentially be more enjoyable, but you also had no desire to do so. while nearly getting lost in your thoughts, you completely did not hear the footsteps coming up beside you.

"rough night?" 

you felt yourself jump at the voice behind you. he came to sit next to you, not too close, but close enough to have a conversation. you began to examine his face, but he didn't look familiar to you.

"sort of." you smile, pitiful. 

"just don't want to be out at a party?" 

"that sounds more like it." glancing back down to mess with the laces of your boots, "i promised my friend i'd come, and now i'm regretting it."

"oh? that sounds oddly familiar," you could hear a slight chuckle in his voice, "my friend wanted me to come with him so he'd know someone, but he's already inserted himself in the cliques." 

you looked back up to him, trying to decide if he went to school with you. his outfit was not like anything the boys that you knew would wear. he seemed more proper, which made you assume he had to go to the local private school. 

"i do not believe we've met?" you say, attempting to coax a name out of him. 

"the name is charlie." 

"it's nice to meet you charlie." 

he seemed nice, it wasn't normal for a boy to give you this attention but you were not complaining.

"it's nice to meet you too," he paused waiting for you to hint at a name. 

"(y/n)." with that, he gave you a small smile. 

"(y/n), that is a beautiful name," he repeated your name before pausing again to see if he'd managed to get a reaction out of you. 

you felt your cheeks heat up but were not deterred from wanting to flirt back.

"well thank you, mr. charlie. i appreciate the compliment, especially when the compliment comes from such a handsome gentleman." 

you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was internally cheering on his victory. 

"how about you let me walk you home, it's not like there is anything here for either of us." 

you weighed your options. you could either wait till the party dies down to tell chris goodbye, or you could leave now and be escorted home by a boy who seems to have an interest in being around you. 

you gladly chose the latter, "i'd like that."


author's note: thank you so much for being so patient with me you guys. i appreciate you all for being so loyal and requesting more imagines and preferences. i will be working on more soon!

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