ii. first date

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- he shows up with a single flower
- he definitely takes you to a play
- the whole time he's watching you though
- to see if you're enjoying it
"did you enjoy it?"
"of course!"
- he's falling hard
- but so are you


- he's too nervous to do much
- so you go on a walk at the nearby park
- he keeps complimenting you without really realizing it
- at one point you both sit on a bench and birdwatch
- your hand accidentally grazes his
- you've never seen someone move so quickly
"i'm so sorry"
"todd, my hand touched yours. not the other way around."
- he was still adamant with his apologies


- charlie isn't the date type
- but he takes you out
- nothing major, of course
- but he wants to surprise you
- he shows up with flowers and a picnic basket
- oddly romantic coming from him
- but you sit there on your picnic for hours
- just talking about life and stuff


- this boy was romantic
- he had a blanket laid out in your backyard
-although you had no clue what he was doing though
- you were sitting at your desk in your bedroom
- small pecks on your window grabbed your attention
- he was throwing rocks at your window- you snuck downstairs and he greeted you
- he gestured for you to sit down
- you laid there watching the stars and just talking about everything


- the library was the happening place for you
- and apparently for him too!
- he and you quietly read poems in the back of the library
- both laughing at dumb things the whole time
- the whole night went smooth
- he walked you home afterwards


- this guy is such a dork
- he offered to take you out
- but he forgot to pick you up
- you get a call to meet him at the cave
- so you do
- when you get there he has a candlelit
- he's sitting on a rock waiting for you
- he read poems to you and spoke about school

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