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"Jimin please look at me..look at me god Taehyung why would u do that" Jungkook said trying to wake the omega up who passed out due to the high drug dosage.
"Kook come on its no big deal lets enjoy. Hanseok take care of jimin shi." Taehyung said eyeing the said alpha who had lust filled in his eyes for the unconscious omega.
"Sure jungkook ah u don't have to worry. I will take care of Jimin.' The alpha said about to take jimin from Jungkook's protective arms.
"No. No one will take jimin anywhere and Hanseok don't dare touch him." Jungkook said his eyes blazing red. Taehyung could say it wasn't just Jungkook it was Jungkook's alpha part speaking for him. Had Jimin's heat triggered Jungkook's rut too. Taehyung was overwhelmed. He couldn't belive his boyfriend got affected by another omega's heat.
"Jungkook snap out of it am ur boyfriend." Taehyung said in a vague attempt to calm the alpha but it was too late. Jungkook was in his alpha head space.
"FUCK U KIM TAEHYUNG." Jungkook says taking the limp omega away.
"Fuck Jimin please wake up what will i do. I hardly can hold back." Jungkook said shaking the omega over again but the limp boy doesn't bug.
"A..alp..ha.." A small word comes out of Jimin's unconscious lips which breaks the limits of the alpha.
"Am so..fucking sorry Jimin ah." Jungkook says one last time at the unconscious omega before letting his alpha do what it wants to the poor unconscious omega.
Taehyung could hardly focus on the party. His boyfriend is with another omega whom he hates. It had been 3 hours already Jungkook has taken the omega in. Even in the loud sounds he couldn't go back to partying. But suddenly the door of the lounge smacks open revealing a guy assuming the age of Jungkook how ever his physique called as a royal in blood.
The man walks straight up to Taehyung his eyes red just how Jungkook's were. Taehyung would be lying if he said he wasn't scared.
"Where is my brother?" The man asks his voice a lot deeper in anger and awfully calm.
"How am i supposed to know where..your trash of a brother is?" Taehyung said. From the man's looks he could only conclude this man was here for Jimin.
"U FUCKING DRUGGED MY BROTHER AND BULLIED HIM KIM TAEHYUNG." The man rages growling making Taehyung flinch.
"It was his 1st heat. Do u have any idea how much he had dreamed of it being special?" The man says overwhelming Taehyung.
"Wh..why there." Taehyung teared up. His tough face almost about to crack.
"Well u deserve to know how it feels then." The alpha picks Taehyung over his shoulder growling at anyone who tried to save the wailing omega over his shoulder.
"" Taehyung says but the alpha doesn't budge instead carries the onega away while Jungkook still has his way with the unconscious omega.

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