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Taehyung kept crying till the alpha yanked him on the hard bed if the dark basement.
"Why did u bring me here. I wanna go home please." For the 1st time in life Taehyung was horrified. All his life he got what he wanted hook or by crook. But today there is no one to listen to him his please, his cries. No one is here to save him from the alpha who got him here.
"Do you feel helpless enough Ju Taehyung? Imagine the amount of pain my brother faced everyday all the time from u." He said sitting on a chair just opposite to the still crying omega.
"I didn't mean to harm Jimin. It was a harmless prank i promise." Taehyung said agitating the alpha more as he pushed Taehyung on the bed hovering over the omega.
"Harmless. My brother had his heat induced by drugs bullied everyday while ur boyfriend is having his way with him although he is unconscious. Which part of the entire thing seems harmless to u JU TAEHYUNG." The alpha yelled making the omega under him flinch and cry more.
"U think this is harmless them lemme play a harmless game to u too." Seokjin says as he harshly bites right over Taehyung's scent gland marking the omega. The omega's wails became louder of pain and helplessness. His useless ego swiped off by the blazing mark. His omega wanted to hold on to the alpha while his human cried helplessly.
After the mark started blazing on the omega's neck the alpha got up and left the crying omega alone in the dark basement.
Tae pulled his knees closer crying in pain of the mark and from the hate of his new mate.
"I will make u suffer Kim Seokjin. Both ur brothers will feel more pain than i am right now. I have lost my boyfriend i will make sure that Jimin and ur beloved Yoongi hyung feel the same pain if not more." Taehyung says fishing his mobile from his pocket calling his cousin.
"H..hobi hyung..hobi hyung i ...i need help." Taehyung cries over in the phone faking it more than he feels.
"Tae bear. What's wrong tell me what happened where are u?" Hoseok asks freaking out about why his brother is crying.
"Hyung Kim Seokjin kidnapped me..forcefully mated me hyung...he..he..did the unthinkable..with me." Taehyung says adding even more details to his story some that didn't even happen. "What do you want me to do bear. I will do it where are u?" Taehyung smirks at his hyung's words. Thats what he was aiming for his hyung to get mad. So mad that his usually calm and mature hyung does anybad without another word said.
"I want u to it feels to be in want..u to..treat..him..even..worse." Taehyung says. He knows there is no way his hyung is saying no to that. "Okay. I'll track ur location bear. I will make them suffer." Hoseok says hanging the phone up. Taehyung smirks tossing his phone back in his pocket when the door of the basement opens revealing a short softer figure. He assumed it was Yoongi provided Seokjin's physique is way too huge.
"Hello...u must be Taehyung am sorry for my you wanna have something?" The male asks ever so softly almost so warm and soft Taehyung could swear he haven't felt it from his own mother. "Am not hungry." He says looking away. "Well that sounds pretty fake. Am Yoongi by the way. I'll be keeping this kimchi fried rice and water here. Make sure u eat it. It will help ur body." The omega smiles placing the food on the small tea table. "Its useless take it away. I won't have these cheap meals. I have 5 star chefs cooking for me what makes u think i will eat this cheap meal." Taehyung mocked. He expected Yoongi to look sad or ashamed but Yoongi just smiles. "Well just so you know me and Jin are having leftover bread from morning with sone water tonight. He himself told me to make u something more edible and fresh. I would have made it either way but he himself gave me the last bit if the kimchi to make u the food. Its up to you if u eat it or not. But if u don't i request don't throw it how u rich people do. Leave it. Jin or i will have it in the morning." Yoongi says and leaves. Taehyung finally looks at what the omega had left. It was a cushion some clothes the food water and a blanket. The food smelt too good for him to reject. He takes a bite of the food instantly tearing up.
"Emoma." He says softly tears streaming down his face. He had never had food his mom made but this was exactly how he imagined it. He saw his mother's diary where he read her recipe of kimchi fried rice and asked the chef to make it. He was upset felt it missed something. Having the food Yoongi made he cried knowing it missed love and care. He finished the whole bowl and lays down crying himself to sleep.

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