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Hello Light

It's me again! Well... why I name this part *sighs*? Honestly, I have no idea what to write. Hahaha anyway... they're still at it again...

 they're still at it again

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If it's so bad... why bother reading it in the first place? Seriously, people are SO weird.

They're telling me that my book is poorly written. Hello? Check yours first, their book quality isn't the best either (sorry if that's rude. Just tryna point out a point).

Trust me guys, no one will like you if you acted rude. Same goes for writers. Especially when you're trying to write stories, and hoping to get readers. I used to behave poorly sometimes to rude readers. But they instead point out that I'm rude and worse than them. Then I realize maybe that's why it was hard for me to get supports and readers. So I try my best to change. Which makes me who I am today, humble and nice (according to your judgement, Ofc).

And once again, if you don't like a book, leave it. Don't have nice things to say? Shut up. Some things might be people's lifeline as writing is to me, which is a reason that I'm still alive and going. So you need to watch what you said, or you might me a reason for someone's death. Prove? Many idols passed away due to haters.

I'm so glad that I'm the type of person who don't care about what people say about me. I have one goal and it's to be an author that can provide comfort to people through what I love most. I'm not going to stop no matter how many people trying to bring me down. I love writing, thus I'll stop at nothing. Writing = Life.

Haters is a part of someone's life, unfortunately. But instead of dwelling on their useless remarks and ways to bring you down. Prove them wrong by being the strongest person you can be.

Don't ever give up your passion or dream just because someone is so jealous of your achievements. That's what they are, a bunch of people who don't have better things to do. So they try to bring people down, because they can't achieve what that people have.

Being rude... will only bring yourself down. One rude comments from you to people who potentially can help you, will be the deadly poison in achieving your dream. No one will support you if you acted rude towards them. So keep in mind, Light.

I seriously feel sorry instead of anger towards that person. I don't mean to mock them or make fun of them. But their books barely have any readers. Yet they dare to make fun of people's works. In this case, my work.

I'm not saying mine is better because I'm well aware that I have grammar problems every now and then. But they're not any better either. But they think they're good enough to make fun of mine.

So I just say it in the nicest way possible as seen on the photo, and don't directly say like; "oh you made fun of mine and look at yours. Your book sucks!" No... that's just plain out rude. I'm never going to do that. I'll still try to be nice.

I had to point it out. Not to try to hurt their feelings, but to point out their flaw in behaving towards others. Hopefully, they'll open their eyes and fix their mistakes and make their character better. Come on Light, let's pray for them!

Also, they were a follower and decided to unfollow me. But does it affect? Nope, my numbers of follows are still rising and stand strong. So haters don't really have any effect on me... it's all thanks to all of you!

Once again, thanks for all the supports and loves! I appreciate every single one of you. I hope I can meet you guys in a meet and greet in the future!

I love you guys!!!

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