Family Gathering With Colleagues

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Hello Light!!

Today, I'm having a family gathering with everyone from the office that I work in. We spent the whole day full of fun time and games. I even experience something I never experienced before. Canoeing.

It was quite a nerve-wrecking experience

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It was quite a nerve-wrecking experience. One, because I can't swim. And two, I'm scared that the current will drag me further to the ocean. But nonetheless, it was really fun. You can see how I keep on smiling. I'm surprise the boat didn't sink given the fact that I'm so chubby.

This is everyone from my office

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This is everyone from my office. Can you spot me? 

Today is certainly a really fun experience. It will forever be stamp as a memorable memory in my brain. I'll never let myself forget this day. We have tomorrow too but there won't be any particular game. So we can do whatever we want. I plan on challenging someone to a game of billiard. I wonder if I'm still good at it. It's been SO long. 

That's all for now. See ya!!

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