Dustin! Steddie

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The gang was hanging out in the mall

Steve led Eddie away from the group into a little broom closet Steve roughly pushes Eddie against the wall and starts kissing him passionately, Steve licks Eddie's bottom lip requesting entrance to his mouth when denied he grabs Eddie's ass causing the submissive to moan Steve slips his tongue into Eddie's mouth deepening the kiss.
Just as Steve starts rubbing his hands down Eddie's hips dustin barges in
"Hey guys what are you doing in here?"
He looks over and notices what he has walked in on
"Holy shit!"
Dustin runs out of the room
"Dustin wait! Ed's we need to do something"
"Ehh he will get over it"
"Ugh fine"
They walk out of the room and start searching for dustin
"Hey guys, what's going on i just saw dustin run past?"
They see robin and Nancy looking at them confused
"He might have walked in on me and Steve making out"
"Never mind that we need to find him rob you and Steve go that way me and Eddie will go this way"
" why can't me and Eddie go together?"
Because if we find him one of you will have to explain what he just walked in on you two doing"
They split up and start looking
"Dingus i told you now to kiss Eddie in public places"
"Not the time for a lecture robin"
"Right sorry, hey maybe we should check that bathroom"
Steve walked into the bathroom Robin waiting outside as she's not gonna go into a guys bathroom
"Dustin you in here?"
Steve hears from under the sink he kneels down
"Why are you under the sink?"
"Why where you kissing Eddie?"
"Huh touché"
Steve sits down in front of Dustin as he wouldn't fit under the sink
"Why where you kissing Eddie?"
"Well um"
Eddie walks into the room and sees Steve sitting in front of the sink he goes and sits next to him
"Why where you two kissing?"
"Well we um, Eddie you want to tell him?"
"Yea sure so dustin me and Steve are together"
"Wait? Really?"
"Erm yeah"
"But Steve you don't..."
"I don't fuck guys?"
"Um yeah"
"I guess he does now"
"Why did you guys not tell me?"
"We didn't know how you would take it and i guess we didn't want you to stop being friends with us"
Dustin scoots out from under the sink and hugs the both of them.

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