Sidewalk chalk Elmax

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Max walked into the house after a short shopping trip, where she had bought some sidewalk chalk for her girlfriend who was in a bad mood hoping to make her mood better.

"El i got you something!" She called into the seemingly empty house

El slowly walked down the stairs intrigued about what max bought her. She runs over to max who was holding a bag. Max handed her the bad and she opened it.

"Chalk!" She said happily

She put the bag down and pulled max into a hug.

"Thank you" she said once she realized max from the hug

"Of course, now should we go play with that chalk."


El grabs the chalk and runs out the door with max slowly following behind. The two of them sit down on the sidewalk in front of their house and start drawing. After a few hours the sidewalk is covered in bright coloured drawing.

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