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I end up fucking loving it!

Freddie gave nothing away in the ride over here, but one look at this place and I'm in love. It's a huge building tucked away in one of Oxford's many side streets. The deco is gorgeous and the music, insane. Stepping through the doors feels like entering Spain itself. The smells, the sights. Everything. Wall murals of picturesque Spanish landscapes line the entire perimeter, accompanied by tiled floors. The space isn't too big, but it's big enough to create the perfect atmosphere. Some people are situated at their table, eating but majority are up on their feet, salsa dancing.

"This is amazing," I insist, being shown to our table.

Freddie's hand has somehow found its way to my lower back again.

"It's great, isn't?" he responds, smiling. "Nikki told me about it."

I love that he got recommended tonight's location from his little sister.


Our table is tucked away in one of the far corners, giving us both ample view of the dancefloor, yet the opportunity to talk without having to shout over the music.

"I have no idea how to salsa dance, by the way," I warn.

He waits for the waiter to leave before scooting his chair next to mine.

"Me neither. We can be terrible at it together."

I love that we're both experiencing this first together. That it doesn't matter if we're completely terrible at it. As long as we're having fun and we are together, nothing else should matter.

"Can I get you guys any drinks?" asks our waiter, returning.

Freddie cuts his gaze across to me. "Wine?"

I nod.

"A bottle of red, please."

The man shoots off with our drinks order, leaving us with the food menu. Everything looks amazing and I'm struggling to choose what I want.

"I took Charlotte to the doctors today."

I immediately place my menu down, far more invested in Charlotte-talk.

"Oh, yeah? How did that go?"

"Great!" He beams "She had two injections."

I cringe. "How did that go down?"

"As expected. She cried. A lot."

"Aww, bless her."

"Jamie came with me," he shares.

I like that he didn't have to go alone. That his family are showing their support by attending small appointments like these.

"The doctor thinks she's roughly seven weeks old."

That adds up.

"I did the maths," he explains. "Seven weeks ago today was when I got your call."

I flip my hair to one side and offer him my gaze.

"Charlotte was possibly born the same day you came into my life again."


My smile says it all. I don't know why, but I like that his mind works in this way. It's like he's always trying to see the best in a bad situation and I appreciate that attribute.

"They've registered her birth on that day."

"So, Charlotte's birthday is the same day I left Josh?"

He nods.

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