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Freddie and I are nonstop all night. We can't get enough of each other and the magic our bodies make when working together. We take brief naps between having sex and although I love the feeling of him being inside me, I live for those moments where he holds me from behind. His sexy whispers are also a favourite of mine, never once letting up. He reminds me at every possible moment how incredible I am and I, of course, return the gesture. By the time morning rolls around, I'm lying in his arms, beyond content.

"You have special machine at work to find people, right?"

Freddie laughs. "You need to work on your pillow talk, babe."

I gently shove his shoulder. "I'm serious."

His chest feels warm against my cheek, and I'm obsessed with the steady beating of his heart.

"Yes, we have ways to find certain people."

"Certain people?" I ask, trying not to show my disappointment. "So, not everyone?"

"That depends? Who are you looking for?" he questions.

I reposition myself so that I'm leaning on my elbow, facing him. "Nan has an old flame she never told me about."

"An old flame?"

I nod. "Liam O'Connor. They were in love, but their families wouldn't let them get married."

Freddie's eyes widen.

"I think it would be nice for them to reconnect."

"Does your nan want that?" he asks.

I shrug.

"Are you meddling?" he teases, playfully poking my ribs.

I respond by smirking. "Maybe?"

"Well, do you know anything about this Liam? Where he lives? His date of birth?"

I immediately deflate. "No. Nothing. I know he's Irish, but I'm not sure if he lives over there?"

Freddie doesn't seem to think it's much of an issue. "I'll try my best to find him."

I offer him my biggest grin and kiss his cheek. "Thanks."

He pushes me onto my back and towers over me, using his arms to cage me in.

"I need a favour in return, though."

I giggle. "Oh, yeah?"

"I need you to let me fuck you again."

"Again?" I ask, feigning outrage.

He slowly lowers his head to mine. "Yes, please."

I don't object.


I pull the lemon cookies out of the oven and am immediately surrounded by their smell. I load them onto the cooling rack and wipe my hands on my apron. I left Freddie's house late morning when he went to collect Charlotte from James and Sloan's house. I felt called to do something I used to enjoy doing. Something that reminds me of my old self, yet doesn't stop me from moving forward.

"Perfect," I mutter to myself, breaking one in half.

The white chocolate chips I added in are melted and the cookie batter is still slightly gooey in the middle. I decide I'm fucking proud of my attempt and want Freddie to experience one while they're still at their best. I quickly load three into a small tin and head towards my front door. I spin around with the tin tucked under my arms to find Freddie stood on his doorstep taking to another woman. He's smiling at her, genuinely in awe of her presence. I immediately want to return to my living room, but my front door closes with a click, bringing both of their attention to my arrival.

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