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The flight home is a lot less frightening for Freddie on the way back, given how much more relaxed he is. Even Charlotte seems more settled, sat on her dad's knee for the time it takes us to land in London, Heathrow. Once, home, Freddie and I get a taxi back to the apartment, ready to dump our suitcases once and for all. It's another nice day in the UK, the breeze warm on my skin. Charlotte is in a red sun dress, and she looks like a little rose.

"Are you coming to ours for a sleepover?" asks Freddie, carrying the cases while I carry Charlotte.

The fact he refers to his apartment as his and Charlotte's as opposed to just his is so adorable.

"Sure. I'll dump my case and be right across."

We're waiting for the elevator to arrive and Freddie—seizing every opportunity he gets—kisses me on the lips. Honestly, we've not done much else since last night. As it turns out, kissing him is the most incredible feeling in the world and I never want to not be doing it.

"Oh, I didn't see you two there," comments Dan, our landlord.

Freddie and I break away, finding Dan grinning at what—to him—must look like a newly established relationship.

"When did this become a thing?" he asks, gesturing between us.

I smile, allowing Freddie to take free reign of the situation.

"Just recently."

"That's nice," he replies, offering us both a genuine smile.

Freddie shoots me a huge smirk and reaches for the cases when the elevator arrives.

"I get why you submitted her application now," he teases, slapping Freddie on the back.

"My what?"

Freddie's face drops.

"Your application to live here," clarifies Dan. "Freddie tried to do it on the sly, but I recognised his handwriting. It all makes sense now."

What the fuck?

I'm about to tell Dan he must be mistaken, but then I see the look on Freddie's face and it's clear I'm the one in the dark.

"Oh, right," I say, purposely avoiding Freddie's gaze.

We step onto the elevator, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tension. Charlotte is asleep against my chest; her light snores my only comfort amidst my conflicting thoughts. Dan waves us off as the doors close, unaware of the awkwardness he's just caused.


"I thought work submitted my application."

Freddie says nothing.

"That's what it said on the paperwork."

"That's what I wrote," he finally admits, voice thick.

"So, you lied?"

I don't know how I feel about this.

"Yes, I lied. I got your details from work. Unauthorised."

"FREDDIE!" I scorn, knowing how dangerous that could've been for his career.

"I had to, Ana. I had to do something to get you away from him," he insists.

The doors open and I practically fly to my front door.

"Are you angry?"



Charlotte twitches against my chest and I desperately attempt to keep my tone level, not wanting to startle her.

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