episode 12: that quiet girl.

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why did she have to come?

that suzuki miyamoto girl.. she ruined my moment!

she never even bothered to take notes during class, and suddenly she's friends with the class president, also known as, my crush, and he favors her over me?!

after everything i've done?!

i rolled my eyes as i watched the two of them disappear behind the right corner, and i walked back to my friends in the opposite direction. she never had the courage to show her face, yet she has the audacity to appear like this when she's not needed?

it's not like she was ever needed. she sits there at her desk and does nothing. i hardly think she's alive.

my friends were behind the corner listening to the conversation that was about to happen if a certain suzuki miyamoto hadn't come, and they'd all started asking me what went down and who was the other girl who'd called for riki. they also asked me what was the reason behind my scowling face, and if riki had rejected me. he certainly hadn't, but him choosing to go back with suzuki instead of hearing me out definitely felt like a rejection.

i silenced my friends and told them to stop asking so many questions, and they all fell miserably silent at my booming voice. soon, they erupted in quiet whispers saying that i must be mad about something, and that riki definitely rejected me. one of my friends asked me gently why i was upset. and that was my cue to let it all out.

i started telling them in angry complaints how that quiet girl came and took riki away, using the lame and dumb excuse that it was dismissal so she could have him all to herself. the girls all gasped dramatically at my revelation—they weren't seeing, they were hearing—and all were just as baffled as i was that suzuki had done such a thing. in all actuality, none of us had known her name before she became friends with riki.

another friend told me to get him alone with me as soon as possible so i could tell him and get him away from suzuki once and for all. i told her that he would see me again in the morning, and that pleased them. but they were, rightfully, still upset that suzuki had ruined the situation. i sighed and told them not to remind me of her anymore.

the next morning, i decided to see suzuki and give her a piece of my mind before meeting riki. unfortunately for me, i found the two of them together in class—riki sat on her table and suzuki on her chair, and both their attentions were on me as i entered the class. i greeted riki with a smile and ignored suzuki as i moved to my seat to place my backpack there.

i approached suzuki's table and asked if i could talk with her privately. at my words, riki and suzuki exchanged confused glances, and i saw very well that suzuki was somewhat scared of me, and that satisfied me greatly. after earning riki's permission and assurances, suzuki nodded at me and followed me out the classroom.

once we were out of earshot, i told suzuki with forced calmness to stay away from riki. she couldn't even look me in the eyes, the poor thing! my words and actions the past month definitely bore their fruit. however, suzuki only sighed and tried to go back into the classroom, if it wasn't for me grabbing her wrist. she turned around and looked at my hand that was around hers, but she didn't dare look at me square in the eye.

that's right, keep your eyes low around me, you pathetic thing.

"miyamoto, i'm telling you now," i told her quietly. "it'd be better for you, me and for nishimura if you stay away from him. why would he be friends with you? you're so boring. he must've befriended you out of pity because you were so lonely and pathetic. you must be boring him, you have nothing to talk about. nishimura is a nice person, you see. he's kind to everyone, even people like you."

suzuki shook under my hold and tried to free herself desperately from my grip. i smiled at the sight. my words have definitely gotten into her head this time, this stubborn girl.

"you're not interesting enough for him to be your friend. i can't believe he chose such a boring, lonely loser over someone like me."

with a low whimper, suzuki yanked her wrist free from my grip, and i let her go. i crossed my arms and smiled in satisfaction as i saw her run off miserably. i took slow and leisure steps behind her. after all, i have to get to class too.

when i entered, i saw suzuki's head in her arms and riki standing over her desk worriedly, asking her what was wrong. i guess she sensed that i entered the room, for she shook her head and shooed him away with her hand. riki glanced at me then leaned in to whisper something to suzuki. i acted oblivious as i walked to my seat. i glanced at riki and met his eyes, and my eyes widened at seeing slight, quiet anger in them as he looked at me. i turned back to suzuki and found her face still in between her arms. i must've made a bad image of myself in his mind.

i bit at my fingernails anxiously as my other hand tapped on the table. i hope that quiet girl didn't tell him what i said to her. in the end, she brought this upon herself. i told her nicely and politely the first time, but she just wouldn't listen.

the girl in the corner.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang