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They had knew they had to show them how this played out so they"When you found out you went to New Orleans with Caroline. Stefanie was with Bonnie."

Caroline and Elena had arrived in New Orleans. She knew why her best friend had come to New Orleans and she wanted her to enjoy herself. "Go Be with Klaus Care."

"Are we sure about this?" Caroline didn't want to leave her by herself especially after what had just happened.

"Yes you need it and i need it." Elena was positive she knew her best friend needed this and she needed some time by herself.


"You and Dad had a one-night stand and Haven came to be."

Kol had walked into Rouseau's surprised at seeing Elena at the bar. He walked over taking a seat next to her. "What are you doing here?"

"My fucking fiance cheated on me and has been for who knows how long" She downed the shot slamming it on the counter. She didn't want to feel anything right now she had thought the two of them were going to last but had been mistaken.  "While i went and picked up our daughter and was working he slept with that whore." She turned to look at him she knew he couldn't have known that he was in town and wondered what he was doing here. "What do you want Kol your not here to listen to my feelings?"

"My girlfriend keeps trying to kill my family so we broke up. So im here drinking." Even with everything that his family went through he didn't actually want them to die.

"Fun." She was starting to despise relationships and people she just wanted to be happy but it didn't seem like it was happening anytime soon. "Caroline wanted to do a girl's weekend it was really because she wanted to see Klaus and she didn't want to come alone."

"Fair enough." Being the one original who had never been with a doppelganger he was starting to see the draw to it. And if she was alone he was sure the wo of them could have some fun."So if she is with my brother does that mean you're alone."

Elena eyed him not liking how he had said it. But she also didn't really care. "I don't like how you said it." 

Kol looked past her over to Cami who was manning the bar. "Can i get a round of shots over here Cami?"

"Yeah, one sec."

"You know her." She knew he lived here so it didn't really surprise him.

"Caroline's temporary replacement." Who his brother had used to try and get over Caroline in an unsuccessful attempt.

Cami came over setting a tray down with shot glasses and filling them up. "Here you guys go."


Elena looked over to him finally realizing why he was sticking around. Not she minded she was in a foul mood and at the moment sex was sex.  "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"I don't think I'm going to have to try super hard."

Elena smirked taking one of the shots and knocking it back. "If you were trying to sleep with me you just had to ask. I'm about willing to do anything right now."

"The two of you left New Orleans a week later you and Dad didn't want to be each other's rebound. So you went your separate ways." It was fun how they came back together. 

Elena was getting ready to leave and head back to Mystic Falls. Kol got up wrapping his arm around her waist."I wish you could stay."

She smiled looking back at him knowing it wasn't a good idea. "Now we both know that is not a good idea?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to make you feel like a rebound." He was all for starting something with her when the two of them were both ready. From what she could see she was the nicest doppelganger. "But who says that in a year time we can't start something up."

"I have a daughter i have to go." She wished she could stay to but she knew that it wasn't a good idea she had a daughter she needed to get back to. But maybe a longtime relationship could work for them in the future. "But if you're still interested in me in a year i wouldn't be opposed to trying something."

"You got a deal darling"

"The two of you went your separate ways and you went to meet up with Caroline at New Orleans Border." 

Elena got into the car as caroline looked over to her. "So you spent your week with Kol Mikaelson." 


"Maybe? Don't lie to me."  She knew that's what she had did all week not that she could blame her. She was single now and they would be cute.

Elena nodded smiling it had been a nice time. "I did."

"And?" Caroline needed more than that she wanted to know how it had went. 

Elena shook her head she knew that they couldn't do this right now it was to soon. "We both just had break ups it's not the right time."

Caroline could already see them as a couple and knew they would be perfect together. "It will be cause you two would make a cute couple bad boy and good girl a tale as old as time."

"Ok Caroline let's get home I want Stef." As fun as it was talking about her love live she wanted to go back to her baby.


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