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《 𝙎𝙪𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 & 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙨? 》

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𝙎𝙪𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 & 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙨?


(With Sanzu)

Sanzu was currently sat in his room, on his laptop, he was monitoring your location the whole time. The thing is Sanzu is a bit suspicious of something, like the whole time you spent with him and and the others you never asked for a solo ride, but you asked for one out of the blue, which I'm sure doesn't seem too bad, but deep down Sanzu had a weird feeling inside him, he felt like you were keeping things from him. I mean he isn't the the best person to trust, but in the span on one month, you and Sanzu really began to trust each other, you had a lot in common with each other too, and most importantly Sanzu was actually happy in your presence, something he never through he'd feel, you changed him, although not a big change, it was still there.

''Y/n, I hope you're not lying to me...you know how I feel about sneaky people....'' Sanzu mumbled as he stared at your location, he could now see that you were heading back, so he shut his laptop.

Sanzu now made his way downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking stuff, Ran and Rindou were also monitoring your location whenever Sanzu was not there, of course this was ordered by Mikey, but they had to keep it hidden from you am I right? 20 minutes later, you had parked the car up and headed insides, you popped your head into the living room, but it was empty, you then popped your head through the kitchen, a small smile on your face as you saw Sanzu cooking something. You walked over to him and jumped onto his back.

''Is Haru cooking today...? Don't see that every day...'' You giggled as you snuggled into his shoulder, Sanzu smiled as he side glanced you

''It's my house idiot. Of course I need to cook as well'' Sanzu mumbled as he flicked your forehead, you jumped off

''I know I know....'' You smiled

''How was your me time?'' Sanzu asked as he pulled you into a hug, gently stroking your hair, you snuggled into him

''Its was good....I went to the beach....it was quite relaxing...did you miss me?'' You giggled as you looked up at him, Sanzu smiled down at you, gently patting your cheek

''I'm glad you had a nice breather, Y/n. Of course, it gets lonely without you...'' Sanzu smiled as he pinched your nose, you smiled as you pulled out

''Thank you....I'm gonna go and freshen up...I can't wait to eat your food'' You grinned excitedly as you ran out of the kitchen, Sanzu's eyes darkened now as he closed his eyes in frustration

''You really lied straight to my face, huh...wow...?'' Sanzu scoffed as he turned around, in disbelief, he returned to his cooking now




After you had freshened up, you and Sanzu had food, but Sanzu just had it in his own room, he said that he needed to make an important call, you understood, so you just had to have food by yourself in the living room. After you had ate, you laid down on the couch, and started to read your book, because you didn't want to watch TV. It had been 45 minutes into your reading, until you felt someone crawl up on you, you switched your attention to Sanzu who had now got in between your legs and rested his head on your stomach, you put your book down on the table and began to gently stroke his pink locks.

''Is everything okay, Haru?'' You asked as you looked down at him, he just nodded silently,

''You usually do this when you wanna talk...come on...tell me?'' You said as you ran your fingers through his hair, Sanzu just snuggled in

''Y/n, if I asked you something, will you answer me honestly?'' Sanzu asked as he lifted his head and rested his chin on your stomach, looking up at you, you stopped stroking his hair and stared at him, wondering why he was asking such a question. Sanzu, why are you asking this question?

''Depends on what the question is'' You said as you looked at him, Sanzu smiled at you

''Your confidence always amazes me....'' He let out a chuckle, you raised your eyebrow at him, but he stopped laughing now,

''Y/n, did you really go to beach?'' Sanzu asked as he looked straight at you, you stared at him. Of course, what else did I expect from Bonten...

''No I didn't'' You said calmly, Sanzu nodded as he rested his head back on your stomach, you looked down at him

''You're not gonna ask me where I went then?'' You asked him, but he shook his head

''I just needed to hear it from you. I was tracking your location because I was worried about you, for some reason, my heart starts racing whenever you go somewhere on your own, like I always have this feeling at the pit of my stomach, so I just needed to make sure you were okay...'' Sanzu said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled in, you let out a chuckle

''I get scared man, don't laugh at me. I am being serious. I even told the two purple b*stards to monitor your location, you are the youngest one out of us and we need to look after you. I need to look after you'' Sanzu mumbled about, you stared at Sanzu as a smile sat on your face, you gently stroked his hair, your heart all warm.

''Is that all Haru? I would've never thought you'd care about someone this much...it makes me happy....'' You stared at the ceiling, a tear escaping your eye as you continued to stroke Sanzu's hair

''You really don't know much that means to me, Haru. Thank you'' You smiled as you looked down at him, Sanzu tightened his grip around your waist, getting way too comfortable

''Love ya, Y/n'' Sanzu giggled as he looked at you, you giggled too

''I love you too, pinky'' You smiled as you patted his head

''Hey, Y/n, I'm not too heavy am I?'' Sanzu asked worriedly

''You are, but I don't want you to move either, you're keeping me warm'' You blurted out as you continued to stroke his hair gently, Sanzu chuckled

''A blanket huh...? Then you're my pillow'' Sanzu said as he lifted his head and smiled widely at you, you cupped his cheeks and patted them gently

"Then you better keep me close to you, or else those two brothers are gonna steal your pillow away from you" You giggled as you looked at him, Sanzu nodded

"Of course. You're my pillow, nobody else's" Sanzu scoffed as he closed his eyes.

Soon, you were fast asleep.



Sanzu's phone was vibrating, so slowly grabbed his phone without waking you up, he saw a text from Ran.

"Yo, Y/n was following Mochi's car."

Sanzu put his phone back and looked at you, a small frown on his face. He picked you up carefully and made his way over to your room, he carefully placed you down and covered your body with the duvet. He sat down besides you, gently stroking your hair, observing your features, he then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, before walking out.

"Y/n, you're really getting interesting day by day...."

To be continued...

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