Ch. 5

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I had a sleepless, tear-filled night leading up to Friday morning. At least Friday was Jace-free besides the minute he took to get inside the house and up to his room and then back out the door with only a sentence saying he'd be at Foster's. Saturday wasn't any better; I woke up with the start of a headache, my nose stuffy from crying myself to sleep again. I almost convinced myself to just continue laying in bed to avoid seeing him. After all, he wouldn't have practice today. He'd still be here. All day.

But Nolan and Elsie were counting on me, and I had a job to do. So, I got up, grimacing as my headache only intensified with the change of position. I headed first to the bathroom, immediately grabbing a couple Advil before getting the rest of the way ready for the day. I decided to put on the outfit I planned to wear for movie night tonight. This week, we were going out to the movies to see Top Gun: Maverick. All of us were excited. And I had to look the part on opening weekend.

I put on a white V-necked cropped top and jean shorts, setting out the green bomber jacket for later. I completed the look with my favorite pair of shoes - a pair of knee-high black boots - leaning them against the vanity. I decided to try to do my makeup later, too, knowing that I would have to touch it up then anyway. I peered at my necklace, debating on whether or not I should wear it. I started out of the room, but I could feel the absence on my bare neck, and was quick to run back and put it on.

I heard talking coming from downstairs, and after spotting Elsie and Nolan's doors ajar, I assumed they were already down there. Hopefully it was just them.

Of course, hope and luck was not on my side today. Nolan and Elsie were content at the table enjoying a nice breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs, but Jace was there, standing behind the counter at the stove, only clad in his sweatpants, his back to me. Callum and Foster were sitting at the kitchen island. When I walked in, the room went silent.

"You're still here?" Callum asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, until Julian and Lena come back on Sunday," I mumbled in response, keeping my eyes locked on the counter and the final plate sitting there. I felt Jace's gaze on me as I took the plate to the table, but I ignored it, sitting with my back to him.

"Jesus Christ, could there be any more tension in a room?" Foster muttered, glancing between Jace and I with apprehension. Both of us ignored his comment. Elsie raised an eyebrow at me, but stayed silent. Nolan suspiciously coughed. The silence only crept on until Nolan spoke up.

"You know, Dina, I really think you could have made those eggs on Thursday. Jace has done it twice and he hasn't burned the house down." I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. If this was Nolan's idea of "breaking the tension", its only success was pissing me off.

"Jace can cook. I can't," I replied back stiffly, cutting my pancake up with more ferocity than necessary.

"Maybe if you tried to learn when I taught you, you'd be better," Jace stated under his breath, but still loud enough for us all to hear. I glared down at my pancakes and eggs, but I kept myself from retorting.

Nolan and the rest of the guys left after a bit, leaving me, my food, and Elsie alone in the kitchen. I continued eating, my mood still sour. Elsie blew out a breath before looking at me.

"OK, seriously, what happened between you two?" she asked, confused. "You guys were fine Thursday. And Jace wasn't around yesterday to really know if something was up."

"Yeah, well, when you guys fell asleep Thursday, everything went to shit," I grumbled out, stabbing my eggs, not even caring that I cussed in front of her. I'm sure it wasn't the worst she's heard.

"So what happened?" Elsie asked again, not giving up the issue. I sighed, setting down my fork.

"Do we have to talk about this?"

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