Ch. 11

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Sunday was finally a day I could relax, and I slept most of it away save for meals. Lucky for me, no one barged into my room that morning. Monday was just a regular day at the job, kicking Nolan's ass in Mario Kart after he began teasing me again the minute I arrived. 48 races of victory and his complete failure was the sweetest revenge.

I rolled out of bed on Tuesday sluggishly, already knowing today is going to probably suck as the rain poured against my window. At least the forecast didn't say it would storm on top of it.

I found a comfy cropped cream sweatshirt in my closet, pairing it with black leggings and my high top Converse. I grabbed the gold necklace with the sapphire pendant, slipping it on and tucking it underneath my sweatshirt, finishing the look with a classic Adina messy bun. I might regret that in an hour when I had a migraine, but it looked good now, at least.

"Be safe, Dina. It doesn't look like it's going to ease up anytime soon," Mom said as I headed for the door, grabbing my keys. I offered her a reassuring smile.

"Safe is my middle name," I joked. Dad snorted from behind me as he opened the door, all ready to leave for work himself.

"Nice try, sweetheart, but you aren't fooling anyone," Dad chuckled, shoving me outside with an umbrella.

"Rude," I huffed, both my dad and I laughing seconds later as we headed to our respective cars.

The drive was much slower than normal, and not because I was driving safely. I probably would have driven the same as usual, but I was stuck behind a bunch of drivers who couldn't go over 25 in a 50.

"You're a half an hour late," Jace stated as I hurried inside, setting my umbrella down at the door.

"Well next time I'll speed. If I hydroplane, you're to blame," I retorted with a sarcastic smile. I sighed as I dried off my phone, slipping off my shoes on the mat. "You're not at practice anyway, so what's the big deal?"

"Of course I'm not at practice, it's fucking raining, but babysitting isn't what I'm paid for," Jace drawled back sardonically.

"You don't get paid for jack shit," I snorted, shaking my head as I realized he was only wearing sweatpants, aka pajamas. No wonder he was so grumpy; he had just woken up.

"Eyes up here, Rosie," Jace deadpanned, peering down at me as I ripped my gaze away from his bare torso.

"I almost forgot how insufferable you are in the morning," I mused, sidestepping past him into the living room where Elsie and Nolan sat watching something on TV.

"If I remember correctly, you are, too."

"Not as bad as you."

"You could fix that." My face burned as I fumbled to find a response, Nolan collapsing in a fit of laughter behind me.

"Jace!" I scolded when I couldn't think of any better retort. He only shrugged.

"I'll be upstairs." Jace left without another word, and I stared after him for at least a minute in pure shock before turning back to the kids, who were both thoroughly amused, completely disregarding Bluey playing on the TV, which was much better entertainment than getting joy at my expense.

"Don't let us keep you downstairs. Jace is waiting," Nolan said, feigning innocence behind a few laughs. Real acting pro, right there.


"Just keep it down. Elsie doesn't need to be corrupted like-"

"Nolan, that's enough," I cut him off, clearing my mind of the appealing image of Jace and me waking up together in his bed, him being absolutely unbearable until I kissed him and then-

His RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ