Ch. 10

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As quickly as I realized I was falling for Jace again, I was surprised I couldn't fall asleep just as fast. But my brain decided it would rather torture me with Jace's infamous smirk and tempting green eyes. It had to have been around 5 when I finally fell asleep.

And of all Saturdays, I couldn't sleep in this one.

"Rise and shine, Dino!" Dawson hollered, throwing open my door and jumping on my bed.

"Dawson, I fucking swear to God-" I groaned, groggily trying to push him away. He didn't budge. He did, however, start poking my side.

"Guess who's going to the garage today?" my brother cooed in my ear. I sighed, giving up on sleep and turning slightly to face him, raising an eyebrow.

"Please say it's you," I deadpanned.

"It's you," Dawson replied, grinning as I fell right into his trap. I couldn't help spewing out some choice words as Dawson finally got up from my bed with one final poke.

"Hurry up before breakfast hours turn to lunch hours," my brother called as he closed my door on his way out. I sighed, letting out a yawn before starting to ease out of bed.

"What time is it anyway?" I muttered to myself, sitting up and glancing at my phone. It was only going on 10. I would have liked at least a couple more hours.

Although the pillows looked quite enticing, I willed myself to head to the shower, rinsing all the dirt and grime from the previous day away. I almost forgot about my busted hand until the hot water began washing the bloodstains, leaving behind a stinging sensation. I probably should have iced that last night.

When I got out of the shower, I found the materials I needed to rewrap my hand. I slid on a pair of darked ripped jean shorts and a cropped black tank, finishing the look with a pair of black Converse. Hopefully this was appropriate garage attire. Up until this point, I had never gone to the garage. My parents always talked about going there, but usually they never brought any of us kids along. On any other day, I'd be thrilled to finally go. But alas, sleep sounded so much better right now.

"Just in the knick of time, I was about to throw out your pancakes," Dad teased, sliding my plate of pancakes and bacon over to me. I sent him a tired glare, and he only chuckled.

"I think someone partied too hard last night," Dad snickered, earning a light pinch from Mom.

"Party?" Xander asked, confused. I turned around to face him and Dawson on the couch playing Call of Duty.

"Yeah," I quipped, a slight smirk on my face.

"And we weren't invited?" Dawson pouted, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

"Nope. Didn't even think about you," I replied, giggling as they turned to our parents, questioning why they weren't invited.

I quickly finished my breakfast, putting an end to the barrage of complaints. "See you guys later!" I waved to my brothers, the pair of them just flipping me off as I followed our parents to the Ferrari once again.

So maybe going out early on a Saturday was worth it, after all.

The drive was short. We pulled into a basic mechanic's shop I had driven past countless times, yet seemingly never noticed. Maybe because there were no cars to notice. The parking lot was empty save for our white Ferrari, and all the garage doors were closed.

The place would have looked abandoned had the exterior not looked so clean and modern.

But it did very much look closed.

I hesitantly got out of the car, dutifully shuffling behind my parents who looked like they knew exactly where to go. Probably because they did. It had to be a gang garage. Or people in the gang worked here. I mean, no one had gone to a gang meeting until last night. Now they wanted me to go to the garage. It had to be linked.

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