Stuck in the Classroom With a Tsundere

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It was a muggy afternoon, the rain shower finally ending as soon as the school day did. The setting sunlight shined through the windows of the school building, illuminating the hallways. The school was two stories and consisted mostly of old-fashioned brick, though the interior was more modernized. The fields for sports were behind the building while the courtyard was in the front. The grass and concrete were still drenched with puddles from the rain.

Most of the students were either already gone, or in the process of leaving. I, on the other hand, was heading back to the classroom to pick up my things. I had previously went to the restroom after the bell rang, leaving my stuff in class.

On the way, I waved to some friends from a different class who were walking through the hallway, probably about to leave the campus. "Sup guys? How was class?" One of them was taller and gave a smile with a thumbs up while the other was shorter and seemed like he had the soul sucked out of him.

"Please.... kill me...." He said with a groan. "He gave us homework over the weekend... How dare he..." He groaned once more, causing both me and my other friend to laugh.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's only 4 questions." The other peer shrugged to him, trying to lighten the mood.

"But they all have like eight parts! Are you kidding me?! Like who would do such a thing" I could tell he was mentally crying to himself. "So, what's your plan for the afternoon? Homework, too?"

"To be honest, I don't really know. The teacher didn't give our class any homework, so I'm free for the weekend." The moping student rolled his eyes with a sigh, jealous that I had nothing else to do. "I was heading back to my classroom to grab my things and head home."

"Ah, alright. We'll get out of your hair. We should hang over the weekend though if you're up to it." The taller one offered.

I gave it a second of thought before smiling to him. "Course." I nodded. "See you around." I watched as he walked down the stairs with his buddy, who was still saddened by his workload. I made my way down the hallway and turned a left before making it to my classroom on the right. I opened the door and much to my surprise, someone was still in the room.

It was my female friend from class. Well... "Friend", I guess. If you asked her, she would tell you she hated me and had nothing to do with me, though of course I didn't believe that for a second. She was always hatey hatey with me one second, then helping me out and talking with me with an adorable smile the next. I always found it kind of cute. She had some cleaning supplies next to her sitting on a desk. Some wipes, a broom, window cleaner, etc. She was wiping down a desk before speaking up to me.

"What are you just standing there for? You coming in or not?" She questioned me with an annoyed tone, which was fine, given that I spaced out for a second, standing in the doorway.

"Eh?! Oh! Sorry." Walking in, I closed the door behind me, and went to my desk, getting my things together. "So, what are you up to?"

"What does it look like?" I was surprised by her snappy remark, but she quickly sighed and recomposed herself. "...Sorry... Sensei said it was my turn to clean the classroom this week, and I was wanting to go home and relax the rest of the afternoon, but now I'm stuck doing this."

"And here I thought you liked Sensei." I said, putting my messenger bag strap on my shoulder.

"Quiet! And I do like Sensei. I like helping him out, but I'm just really tired today and don't feel like cleaning the class."

"I could help you if you'd like. I have nothing better to do." I gave her a genuine grin. I did want to help her, it felt right, plus I could spend time with her while doing so.

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