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We're not supposed to talk about it. I can't remember when it became illegal, but it had been taboo for a very long time. It was like a king who had become impotent - you talked about everything but his weakness lest he strike you down for pointing it out.

Yet it had been obvious for just as long. Public transportation was out of most people's budget. The prices at the gas stations were scandalous. The fact that air travel had all but disappeared. But you couldn't talk about peak oil. It had been the carrot of our state for generations, the tool it used to control us all. When the petroleum industry had begun the coup there were many who thought they would be our salvation. "Their companies are so profitable," they said. "If they can run a successful company they can run a successful country!"

But companies and countries are not the same. Citizens are more than employees or customers. And soon it seems the oil companies will have neither.

No, we can't talk about it. But we can't survive it either. Not with the prices they want us to pay for the tiniest thing. I know what you're thinking: what can we do? What's the solution?

Well I have it right here my friends. Solar cells, yes, actual functional solar cells from Alberta, smuggled over the border. You'll find my prices very competative, and unlike the government, you only have to pay me once. Of course I'll give a demonstration, but this is a one time offer friends. And remember that the people with power are the people in control.

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