Chapter 10

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Assalam everyone my exams are finally over so I've decided I will update for you. The updates will be more regularly from now onwards.


Where is your Allah huh? Who's going to save you from me." He picks her up in his arms and throws her onto the bed with a loud thud, getting himself on top of her. He corners her in such a way that she is unable to move even a single muscle.

Ya Allah if you don't save me today. I will never ever worship you again. You will lose another believer Ya Allah please save me. I am powerless infront of this rapist but you are the most powerful and most merciful. You can change this ruthless and souless man's heart. Yah Allah please change his heart in a way that ever his soul becames restless into what his is doing Ameen. Ya Rahul Alameen. Layla's prays in her heart, without knowing the actually meaning of her prayer.

Narrator Pov


He smells her hair and takes a deep breath inhaling her scent. He is about to continue his assault when something strikes him. A voice inside his body shakes him to his core bring him back into reality.

Zaid this is not you. Your no rapist and neither have you touch any woman in you life. Remember what Ammi always told us. Respect woman even if they don't respect themselves. No matter the situation never touch a woman before your married to her. Remember before doing such an act that the person who gave birth to you is also a woman so respect her. He remembers hearing his little brother reminding him of their mother's last words before she breathed her last breath.

"No!" he screams hitting the headboard above the bed.

The real reason why he can't continue is because he loved or should we says loves his late mother way too much to forget or disregard any of the morals she thought him. His father was a mafia gang leader and died taking the bullet for his little brother. His father was a ruthless man, but respected women and loved his mother dearly. They had a love marriage and his mother only found out later the real business their father was involved in. His mother forgave his father after much persuading from their father side. She however tried keeping their children away from the mafia mess and so was their father.

Unfortunately after the murder of both their parents Zaid couldn't keep away as he wanted revenge very badly. He however made sure that his brother wasn't involved in anything and either does his brother know about anything that Zaid does. They live normal lives outside the mafia world.

Currently his brother is overseas  persuading his career and will be back in a few days. After that he will spend more time with him and be less at the mafia mansion. He would work 9-6 only and extra only if unless emergency occurs.


On the other hand Azaan has reached outside Layla's grandparents home and is contemplating on an excuse to came up with.

"Sameer what should we say going inside."

"I don't know just go in." Sameer says and then quickly press the bell, before I had time to object.

"What the hell dude? What are we goi..." before Azaan gets to say anything else Layla's Nani (grandmother) opens the door.

Azaan Pov

"Assalaam" says an old women.

At first I am shocked to see an old lady. I was expecting her mother or maybe her father. Are her parents dead and now she lives with her grandparents or what. Shut up I mentally scold myself. Before I have time to comprehend something Sameer gives me a kick behind my knee and motions me to greet.

"Wasalaam" we greet in union. She has a very confuses face on asking thought her eyes who we are and I say the first thing that cames to mind.

"Anuty we are, I mean I am Layla friend Azaan and Sameer over here is my friend who is accomplaining me."

How idiotic of me? I seriously hadn't actually meant to go on with the stupid plan of saying that.

She just laughs. "Please came inside finally after so many years she made a friend or friends." the grandmother says.

So it's true that she hadn't had friends for so long. As she told me. She wasn't joking.

"What does she mean after so many years" Sameer whispers in my ear.

"Later" I whisper as we follow the elderly granny inside their house.

"What can I bring for you." she suggests.

"No granny, no need for formalities. Please." I almost beg trying to came on Layla topic as quick as possible, but here I am wrong. This is India of all places.

"Son what are you talking about formalities......" the bickering went on for a long while until Azaan finally gave in on having some tea and snacks while Sameer went for coffee and snacks.

What the hell is this I should of just agree desi anuties will never agree with a guest not having any snacks and in the end the guest is the only one who will compromise.

"Anuty who else lives with you." Adeel tries caming back onto the topic we actually came here for.

"Oh my husband and Layla my grand daughter. Oh you came for Layla I forgot to tell that she hasn't came home yet. Her grandfather has gone looking for her since she hasn't been picking up her phone either. She isn't this careless normally but maybe she just forgot to inform."

Adeel and I Iook at each other. Confused on how to break the news to her.

"Granny please do take a seat." I make her sit on the three seater couch and sit next to her on the one side while Adeel sits on the other side. We hold her arms in a comforting manner and stroke it.

"What are you boys doing. It seems as if you know something and it doesn't seem good."

"Your right granny it isn't good because.... Bec she..has been kid....napped." I let out in between hippcups. First it was only a thought and now it's confirmed.

Granny bursts into tears. When Sameer used his brain unlike me who sat frozen. "Granny, we will find her don't worry. I think we might have a clue where to begin." says Sameer and my head snaps towards him.

"How can I trust you both, I've only just met you two. The truth is that I don't even know why I let the two of you inside and now your talking rubbish to. Get out now both of you, my husband will be back with a grand daughter soon." She stood up took both of our hands and push us outside the door.

It's not like we couldn't stop her from kicking us out. We just wanted to respect her so we let her do her thing.


Layla Pov

When I had lost all hope of being saved today my Allah (swt) has show me how big His mercy is upon His believers. He had made the devil stop his evils on the right time.

He suddenly leaves the room making sure to lock it. I burst in tears of helplessness and despair bring my knees to my face and crying my heart out. How deep my sorrow is that I've forgotten all of my Lord blessing as well as my prayers.

Its night time now and I haven't prayed a single prayer yet Astigirruallh ( I seek forgiveness from my Allah). I look around the room and see that there is a adjacent bathroom I do my wudu and I take out a clean looking blanket and make all my missed prayers on it.

After concluding my prayers I hold up my hands in a form of making dua (pray).

"Ya Allah please take me out of here. He I can't live under this roof knowing that I could be raped anytime. I don't wanna live under that fear for the rest of my life where I don't feel save. Ya Allah please send me a messager to save my life and my dignity. Ameen"

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