Chapter 29 (Last Chapter)

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Layla Pov

After Nani (grandma) order ammi (mommy) to take me to my room, we are both seated silently without saying a word.

I don't know about ammi but I'm scared of what Nani will say to abbu (daddy). Honestly I already forgave my father long ago. I'm was just hurt that abbu didn't believe me and thought that I could do such a vile thing. I don't want abbu's sorry I just want him to love me the same way he did before all this things occurred.

Life has been difficult, without my parents by my side. My grandparents loved me the same way as my parents maybe more, but the warmth of my own parents was always missing.

"Layla my child. Why are you so distracted." ammi asks making me face her with her doe like eyes turning my face towards her. "Don't you miss your ammi" she asks.

"Ammi" I say hugging her tightly the tears I've been holding since I saw her had finally decided to fall. "I missed you so much. Talking on the phone doesn't do any justice to speaking and holding you face to face ammi."

I finally broke the hug and put my head on my mother's lap. She smiles looking at my childish acts and rubs her fingers in my lose hair strands.

I always loved when she did that and after so many years I feel alive again. We just sat there for a while when Nani (grandmother) came and told us to meet abbu (father) outside.

I wip my silent tears with both my hands and ran out in joy. Ammi gives me a small smile while Nani glares at me.

I know why she is angry but honestly right now I don't care. Abbu finally came to make amends with me and I'm not going to destroy it by showing any fake angry towards him.

I walk to the sitting area and see abbu sitting on the couch. Before abbu (father) can looks in my direction I quickly walk towards him and sit by his feet holding his knees.

"Abbu please forgive this daughter of ours. I am really sorry." I burst into tears as they fall aimlessly on abbu pants.

"No my child. Please forgive me. I am your sinner. I decided to believe an outsider over my own flesh and blood. I knew deep down in my heart that my daughter could never do such a horrible act. But I like the idiot I am decided to listen to my brain instead of my heart. You know there a saying that despite the heart being on the left side of our chest it is always correct."

Why abbu believes me now when all the years he didn't. I am shock and uncertain. Abbu speaks up again looking at my shocked and confused expression.

"Someone sent this letter to our house in South Africa. Your mother says it's unknown, but I know she met someone who has given her this letter take a look. It seems like it is addressed to you more than me." abbu hands me a letter.

How stupid of me. I thought after all those years abbu suddenly forgives me for something which I never committed. How foolish? To say I'm not hurt will be a big fat lie, because I'm extremely hurt. Despite saying that he was wrong to believe an outsider over his own blood he still did it. I'll give myself time to heal and time heals all sorrows or so I've heard.

I open the letter and begin to read it. To my shock it's the same letter Fatima wrote. Azaan is the only person I thought of. How dare he? Cool Layla cool. I take deep breaths.

I heard a knock on our front door, which is still open as Nani (grandmother) didn't fully accept abbu.

"Assalam" I heard a voice greeting. It's no other than Azaan Ahmed. The nerve of this guy.

"Wasalaam. Uninvited guest." I say in a mocking tone.

"I'm not....." Azaan starts but ammi (mother) butts in.

"I invited him over. If it wasn't for him then your abbu would not be here today to seek your forgiveness." mother says with a huge smile on her face.

I stood right on my feet. "Azaan didn't you give me this letter already. Maybe a photocopy of it as this one seems original."

"Yes I did...."

"If I already had this letter and if I want to make amend with my father though this letter I would of given it to him myself. You are no one to interfere in my life."

"I thought we are friends..."

"A friend! Wow! Who told me that he has important work in South Africa that's why he is leaving for a few days. Like sister like brother. If I wanted to make amends with my father thought this stupid letter then I would of take this letter ages ago. I don't want to make amends though this stupid letter. I want my father to believe me out of his own, but no you have to butt in to show yourself all holy and high. 10 years ago I told Fatima to leave that Ash alone and not say anything to him but she didn't listen and you know what happened. So now please I don't want your siblings interfering in my life. Get out!"

I know I'm being harsh especially when Fatima is no more but she is the reason I became who I am today. Thank you Fatima for making me a strong person today.

Azaan glares at me. "Assalam Mrs Khan, I know I came here on your calling but I can't stay here any long. I'll leave now." saying this he storms out leaving every shocked.

Ammi cames to me with an angry expression plasted on her face.....

SLAP! The slap is so hard that my cheek hurts painfully.

"Is this the way I raised you for 14 years and 10 years your away from me, you became like this heartless mean person who I don't even recognize." ammi asks fuming in anger. I upset ammi the very first day she came to see me after so many years.

I look around to see abbu is sitting shocked. I want to scream and shout at abbu that this is all his fault when in reality I'm at fault. I'm not some baby who is told to say things and it does.

"Sana, I'll speak to her. After all I've been handling her for the past ten years." Nani (grandmother) says pulling me by my hand.

I silently follow Nani to her room.

"Layla what is all this about? Is it because you can't accept that the brother of the same person who tried to ruin your reputation is now saving your life and trying to make amends for mistakes he himself didn't do."

"Nani it isn't....."

"Don't lie to me! Your mother is too angry that her daughter spoke in such a manner that she forgot to see that you haven't changed at all. You pretend to be angry over small things but that isn't true." Nani pauses for a few moments to see if I have anything to say but seeing that I'm silent she continues.

"In your heart you just wanted your father to realise his mistake by himself and not someone giving him proof. Go and say sorry to your mother and also phone Azaan infront of her to say sorry by yourself."

3 weeks later

I had said sorry to Azaan in from of ammi (mother) as Nani (grandmother) has requested.

Abbu (father) had liked Azaan and had asked his hand in marriage for me. Everyone now knows that Noor isn't Azaan's daughter but Fatima is her biological father.

Azaan had sent me his proposal and ammi (mother) had some how made me agree to it. In the beginning I had refused to many times but in the end I just wanted to make my parents happy so I agreed to it. After all he is the reason I got my father back in my life. Even if he didn't believe me by himself at least he did because of someone else. The pain is getting less but it hasn't go away completely yet.

Azaan and I had our engagement ceremony a week ago and next year we will be having our Nikkah.

To be continued in broken hearts...



Finally the end to this book I know that there are many unanswered questions in your mind but there will be answered in broken hearts.


I actually wanted to update this on Eid but unfortunately I didn't get a chance from all the cleaning that I had to do so yeah.....

We meet again in broken hearts

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