Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I smashed head-on into the tree and my head slammed into the wheel. The steel warped against it like it was nothing but a cheap little toy car. The frame crumpled inward, around me, puncturing my side! The tone of the bending metal drowned out my scream – which turned into a whaling shriek as it crushed my leg! Fuck, fuck! Oh dear god! Soon my audible pain was the only sound left in the air.

Wow, it's so bad, that hurts so bad! I never experienced such an intense pain. Never felt such immediate fatigue and vertigo. Ugh, it made me want to faint! My pressurized head was throbbing, my vision was blotchy, and my crushed leg was unbearable! I just wanted to be okay, but I didn't feel okay. Fast breaths rushing through my hisses of agony allowed me to taste iron. Hopefully it was only from the blood that streamed from my nose to my parted lips and nothing internally. Oh god....

Am I okay? I don't feel okay. That's all I could think, guys. I was scared because I did not feel okay. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die. The sudden stillness of my surroundings didn't calm me either. If anything, it allowed me to register how serious this was. Spots clouded my vision and I could barely see anything when I frantically looked around. From what I could to tell, despite my airbags not going off, my chest and stomach seemed untouched. Thank god. So I should be okay. Right?

The car itself didn't help my poor assessment. I was still sitting in my seat. My chest, vital organs, my head – seemed mainly okay. But the rest of my body was pinned and surrounded by the bent car and tree bark. I couldn't see my dead leg under the steel. All I could see was the massive tree though the cracked windshield, brightly lit by my headlights. My side and arm were contorted to the door thanks to another tree against my driver's side door. I didn't realize it, but I must have slid or smashed against that one too from the side. Instinctively, I tried shifting my body—

"Ahhhhhh," I grunted and cried, breath hitching harder. Nope! Not doing that again. That small movement shredded the insides of my left arm and side! Same thing went for my pinned leg too!

Great. I would need help (or help would be preferred compared to trying to move like that again). I had a feeling I was out of luck though. Though I had one free arm that didn't hurt like a big stubborn bitch, I was unable to find my phone with it. And sure, I crashed close to the road, but the pitch-black night and the woods would make it hard to be seen by anyone driving by.

Oh! But what about the person? You know, the dumbass that was standing in the road for funsies! For the small second they were in sight, it actually had looked like a woman. Maybe she could help me? It was a close call, but I didn't hit her. Though I would love to smack the shit out of her for causing this, I was incredibly grateful she didn't get hurt.

Over my humming car, my breathing, the crickets... I heard footsteps approaching the passenger side. Twigs and leaves crunched under each fast step. Thank god. She was coming to help! The sooner the better too; I just wanted the pain to stop. I just wanted to be okay. That was an increasing concern since my vision wasn't any better yet.

Looking towards the passenger window, all I could see was thick brush being dragged out of the way from where it was crowded around the passenger side. It allowed the person to open the door in a swift motion. The headlights and the interior light turning on allowed me to see enough despite the darkness and my poor vision. It wasn't the woman on the road. Any guesses, folks?

There was no doubt in mind anymore. Fuck any of that 'coincidence' nonsense. It was already weird just how often we ran into each other. Of course, that wasn't exactly at the forefront of my painful head. I was dazed, light-headed, and in immense pain. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I just stared at him

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