Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Backtracking through the condo grounds, we squeezed around the gate to get back to Jamie's truck. You know, since I used it to chase down his abductors. You would think we were chasing them down again with how fast Peter was driving! The guy was going well over the speed limit. It at least distracted me from how chilly I became; we were both still damp from the sprinklers and the cool air didn't help.

"Why are you flooring it? Are you late for something?"

Relaxed, his hand casually rested on the side of the wheel. "No. Why?"

I scoffed, shaking my head. "And you say I'm a shitty driver."

"You are."

"I am not. I don't go 20 over the speed limit for no reason," I defended, bracing my hand on the dash after he quickly braked for a stop sign. "And I don't slam and ride the breaks!"

"I'm not slamming on the breaks," he said... slamming the breaks. Then, as abruptly as he stopped, he stomped on the gas. Engine humming loud, we quickly accelerated until we were back to going well over the speed limit. And for no reason. Yup, no reason. I guess that was just his driving style.

I crossed my chilly arms. "Racing up to a stop sign, breaking hard, then racing off again, is a tad jarring."

"I'm sure it is for a slow-ass boring driver like yourself."

"Mm. No, I think you mean a driver that is sane and knows how to drive safely."

"Safely?" he challenged jokingly. "Should we revisit where you crashed into a tree? Or where you rear-ended me?"

"Oh my god!" I scoffed. Because clearly those incidents were all my fault. "You know, because of that shit, you still owe me for my high insurance."

He smirked. "Saving you over and over again is just not good enough to cover it, huh?"

"That's right. Let a demon get me, it's okay, just pay for my insurance," I chuckled.

"Keep dreaming." Glancing over, he noticed my huddled arms. "You cold?"

"Yeah, but that's okay. I'll be dead soon anyway with how you're driving."

During our reckless drive home, I continued glancing over to him. His damp hair and clingy shirt were apparent against the shadows. Despite our banter, his eyes on the road were quick to get lost in thought. I couldn't help but get lost too. Peter rarely shared his personal story... and I rarely heard a story like that. I had a feeling it made him conflicted.

Everything he brought to the surface was now fresh in his head. Until now, this subject was sensitive and difficult to even go near. So I couldn't imagine how painful that was for him. Yet, I had to think maybe it was also refreshing. How else do you explain his open joking one minute and reclusiveness the next? I honestly could relate. I was grateful and almost giddy about the fact that he opened up... but the content he shared was a haunting loop. The reality of what he shared kept coming around and hitting me over and over, like a bleak reminder.

By the time Speed Racer skidded up my driveway and parked, I couldn't get out right away. Instead, I hesitantly turned to him. "With Jamie gone, you'll be the only one watching out for me until he gets back."

He kept his eyes ahead. "Unfortunately."

"You know, I can't imagine what it must be like for you. Having him kidnapped and gone and just waiting it out. That's... that's awful."

He didn't say anything. I expected a quip or wise-ass remark. But his eyes just stayed ahead. I could see just how right I was. How disturbed he was for his son. Jamie being taken, abused, and used, and being unable to do anything to help him, it was torture. The reminder was a vice around my heart – and I could see it did the same for him.

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