chapter 4

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HYHM- Chapter 4

 Not edited.

All rights reserved, © 2013

There was an old room in the basement of the hospital that hadn’t been used for years.  But today, the square room with the white walls and fluorescent lighting was no longer empty. A couple of desks had been dragged in along with six chairs, two whiteboards, a coffee machine, writing pads, pencils, six laptops and a printer. It was here that all the planning would take place and here that all the research would be done. The mood in the room was tense, it’s occupants tired and drained from the events of the past week.

Mike being the sheriff was the member of the group who was elected to run the operation. He was the one who handed out the tasks and set the ball rolling. Together they worked for hours, only taking breaks to refill their cups of coffee and use the restroom, content in the fact that Estela and Elara were safely asleep upstairs, four pack members stationed outside their door.

Gia and Bill were tasked with researching about and compiling information on all the members of the Were government starting with the King himself. Any suspicions and anomalies were to be written down on one of the large whiteboards that stood against the walls of the room. Scott’s task was to write a timeline of all the events since the disappearance of his brother. Once that was complete, he was to assist Declan, whose task was to research and print out any information they could find on the council of Elders. The last two occupants of the room, Diego and Mike, spent their time brainstorming ideas on how they could covertly get some members of the group to London.

Phone calls were made, favors were called in and soon a new set of identification and travel documents would be couriered to the hospital. Diego, who was known for his creativity, was the sole mastermind behind the new identities for the group that would be travelling to London.

It was decided that Alpha Bill and Estela were to travel together as a father-daughter pair to Germany before making their way by train and rental car to London. They would soon have to learn to answer to new names. Alpha Bill was no longer Bill Donnelly but Herr Hans Baumgartner and Estela would have to learn to respond to Verena Baumgartner. Besides that, they would have to learn a few key phrases in German, change their appearance as much as they could, and pray that no one noticed them. The rest was up to fate.

Fate.  So far, fate had kept them safe. Fate had also taken away a sister but then again, fate had brought her back before threatening to take her away again. Fate had also meddled her curious fingers in the sacred relationship of the soul mates. Fate was a down right nuisance. Fate was unpredictable, vengeful, and ironic. Fate was strong- a forced to be reckoned with.

Fate had to be a woman.

While Diego worked on forging identities for Declan, Scott, and himself, Declan decided it was time for him to switch places with Estela. Elara was after all his mate. He couldn’t bear to be away from her for more than a few hours. What am I going to do when I have to leave her and travel to London?

Excusing himself from the room, he walked to the elevator and made his way up to Elara’s room.  Upon entering the room quietly, he smiled when he saw Estela fast asleep, her bandaged arms around Elara’s wolf. He walked quietly towards the bed and began to gently nudge Estela awake. He didn’t expect her to leap out of bed with a yelp, wide-eyed and flustered.

“What’s the matter?” He asked.

“You scared me.” She lied. “It’s just nerves.  It hasn’t sunken in that I am no longer in the forest.”

“I am so sorry. I should have realized, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized, pulling her into a hug.

“Stop!” She yelled, fighting to get out of his grasp.

“What is going on, Estela?”

What the hell. I should just tell him. “ Delan, when you touch me, I feel a little shock. I think my skin is very dry from not using moisturizer while I was in the forest. You know? Static?”


“You know…negative and positive charges….?”

“I know what static is.” He said looking around the room until his eyes found what they were searching for. Grabbing it, he handed the bottle of Lubriderm medical strength moisturizer to Estela.

She looked at him, confused.

“Slather yourself. I’ll give you a few minutes.” He said and walked out the door.

Rolling her eyes dramatically, she began to cover herself in moisturizer. Her skin, being dry sucked the moisturizer in happily. She reapplied it on herself hoping that this in fact was the reason for the tingling.

“Are you done?” Declan called from outside.

“Yes.” She replied.

Declan walked right in and gathered her in his arms.

“So?” He asked.

“Gone.” She gulped.

“You are lying!”

“Am not.”

“You are so lying, Estela.”

“Ok fine. Not gone.”


“With a capital F.”

“Ok. Listen to me Estela. Tell no one. You are like a sister to me. Elara, your sister is my mate. I choose her. Whatever you are feeling must be something else. It can’t be. We can’t be. I won’t let it. I love Elara.”

She had heard enough. Completely annoyed, she lifted her hand and slapped his face.  “No you listen to me, Declan. I don’t want anything romantic in nature with you. You do not float my boat. You are like an annoying big brother I don’t even want, because I have a sister and she is all I care about. I would never hurt her, ever. Whatever this is it’s a hell-of-a-huge-ass mistake. You better love Elara and treat her right or I will bitch-slap you back to Mars.”

“Mars?” He asked confused.

“You know… “men are from Mars…women from Venus…read a book now and then, will ya!” She retorted.

“Go on. Get out of here. Everyone is in the unmarked room in the basement. A man needs some time with his mate.” He winked.

“My mom will switch with you in a while, I guess.” She said before walking out the door. Shutting the door behind her she breathed out in relief. That went well. Now all she had to do was get rid of the tingles and all would be well again.

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