Chapter 7

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HYHM Part 2 –Chapter 7

 Not edited.

All rights reserved, ©2013

The shredder made a pained sound before it stopped.

What the hell?

Lifting up the top of the shredder, Estela inspected the blades. A black metallic object caught her eye. She wouldn’t have been able to spot it, but now that she had sharper vision, she could see it clearly. It had been crushed by the blades. What the hell is that?

“Diego!” She yelled, hoping he may know what the object is.

“Geez Estela! I thought you were in trouble. Shouting is for when you are in trouble, okay?” Diego panted as he barged into the study.

“Sorry.” She replied, embarrassed.

“So what’s up?” He asked.

“Do you know what this is?” She asked as she showed him the object.

Grabbing it from her hands he motioned for her to keep quiet.  Gently, putting it on the floor he stepped on it with his heel until all that was left was a black powder.

“Where did you get that?” Diego asked, his eyes wide with shock.

“It was stuck to my poster…the one Abby gave me.”

“It’s a spy cam. Like a listening device with a video feed.”

“What?!” She screeched.

“Did you say anything compromising since you got home last night?”

“Nope. I told Declan to get out, and then I cried a little. That’ all.”

“Did you pack?” Diego asked, feeling a little awkward at her revelation.

“Nope. Sorry I was too tired.”

“That’s great!” He said. “They don’t know that you are leaving. But we must hurry. I am sure they are on their way here as we speak. They are not going to want to lose you now that they know where you are.”

Giving Estela five minutes to pack her things, Diego waited for her by the front door, while Mia kept their car running.

A pang of apprehension hit Estela as she realized that they were taking a very familiar route. A route she had walked every day for the last few years. A route, during which she would always plug in her headphones and walk as slowly as possible. A route whose destination she had always dreaded.

Blackhawk High.

Her own personal prison of sneers and bullying, now further tainted by the memories of a false friendship with Abby. She had never imagined that she could have hated the place more than she already did. But today she had proved herself wrong.

She detested Blackhawk High.

“Why are we going to Blackhawk High?” She asked confused.

Mia shrugged as she glanced at Estela through the rear-view mirror.

“Because it is harder to find a needle in a haystack. And this haystack happens to have bathrooms and a dressing room, theatre supplies, make up and costumes too…everything you need to become the new you.” Diego explained.

He had a point.

It was the safest place to go, for now.

For now, was all that she had and she was learning that ‘the now’ was like an impatient child. It couldn’t sit still, not even for a second.


He had felt guilty for not saying good-bye. At least he should have wished her good luck. He owed her. Not only had she introduced him to Elara, she was Elara’s sister…not to mention a family friend that he had known for years.

He should have said good-bye. And he should have wished her good-luck. Perhaps even thrown in a ‘be careful, stay safe.’ He had behaved like a total jack ass.

He stopped walking through the woods and back-tracked towards the Miller residence.  From outside it looked as if no one was home. He knocked on the back door.

No answer.

‘Diego!’ He called through the mind-link. ‘Why aren’t you answering the door?’

‘We are at Blackhawk High. We had to leave in a hurry. Estela found a spy cam in her bedroom.  We disabled it and left. I assumed that whomever was watching would come to the Millers so that they wouldn’t lose their tail.’

‘Well, no one is here.’

‘Yet.’  Replied Diego. ‘They wouldn’t be in Blackhawk or we would have known of their presence. They must be coming in from outside our borders. Which gives us sometime.’

 ‘I’ll get some guys to patrol outside the Millers and I’ll beef up patrol at the borders.’ Declan volunteered.

‘Good idea. Keep me posted. Will you update Alpha Bill with the news, please? We will head to the hospital once Mia is done with Estela.’ Diego said.

‘You got it.’  Answered Declan.

Diego looked up catching Estela shooting daggers at his sister, Mia. 

He chuckled.

Mia had never been one of those girls whom everyone liked.  She was hard to get along with, harder to please, and held herself up so much higher than everyone else it seemed like she was on another planet.  It didn’t help that she had been blessed with good looks. That was one of the reasons why she thought so highly of herself. But he loved her because she was his sister. They had the same blood running through their veins. And being much older than she was, he had never been on the receiving end of one of her tirades.

But from the looks of it, it seemed that Estela had.

He felt bad for Estela. She was a sweet girl. Always had been. He decided to help by breaking the ice.

“Mia,” He said authoritatively. ‘It seems like you owe Estela an apology?’

The girls looked at him in shock.

“Apology?” Mia repeated her lips taking up their stubborn pout.

“Yes, apology.” Estela interjected confidently. ‘You owe me more than one, but one will do just fine.’

Diego burst out laughing. ‘No one has ever stood up to her the way you just did, Estela. That was awesome.’ He conveyed to her through the mind-link.

“I am helping you change your appearance. Isn’t that enough?” Mia bargained.

“You are helping me because you now know that not only am I a Were like you, but I am also the top dog…uh top Were. Everyone wants to be nice to royalty.” Estela pointed out.  If Mia could be all high and mighty, so could she. There is nothing more high and mighty than playing the royalty card.

“Fine. Its true, I’m sorry I was a bitch. But I thought you were human and it was justified.”

“That’s one hell of an apology, Mia.” Diego and Estela blurted out at the same time.

“That’s the only one I have. Now shall we waste time chatting or can I get to work?”

“Get to work.” Diego murmured. “And girls?” He added.

“Yeah?” Came their reply.

“Play nice.” He said before stepping out of the dressing room to give them some privacy.

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