Chapter 2

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HYHM Book 2- Chapter 2

Not edited

All rights reserved, © 2012

As she ran through the corridors of the pack hospital searching frantically for a nurse or anyone who could tell her where Declan was, all Estela could think about was Jane.

How hadn’t she known that they were sisters? After all, there was something so familiar about Jane. She should have known.

Estela thought about the first time that she had seen Jane’s wolf in the forest…and how it had protected her from Billy. Jane had been there for her and she hadn’t even known it. She wouldn’t be alive if it hadn’t been for Jane.

Tears escaped her eyes as she recalled her disgust at embracing a naked Jane, guilt and regret tightly grasping her heart.  She reflected on how close they had become in the past few days and of the bond that had grown in between them. Her mind became inundated with snippets of their previous conversations. Their sisterly bickering should have alerted her. Why hadn’t she noticed?

Sisters. They were sisters. To further torment herself, she remembered the pang of jealously she had felt when Jane had found Declan to be her mate. She was a terrible sister!

 And then, she remembered seeing Jane’s wolf being dragged off by the hunter and coming to her rescue. But she hadn’t come to her rescue, had she?

She had failed.

Jane was dead. 

A sob escaped her throat at the realization that she had lost her friend, her sister. How desperately she had wanted to know what Jane was hiding…all of her secrets…and now she did. Jane was hiding years of loneliness and pain, running alone from her enemies, without the help of her family.

“Her family: Mom, Dad and me.” She whispered.

Anyway, so tell me. Why are they hunting you?’ Estela remembered herself asking.

‘Because…because I am the heir to the throne.’  Jane had answered.


‘Yes, a ceremonial chair that a Queen or King sits on.’

‘I know that. Which throne? Where? What country?’


‘Holy crapcakes Batman! Are you saying that you are related to Queen Elizabeth?’

‘Lord help me. You have the brain of a cabbage. No, the werewolf throne you half-wit.’

‘Oh. Are you pulling my leg?’

‘No. I’m serious.’

‘But where are your parents? Shouldn’t they be protecting you? Aren’t they King and Queen?’

‘Around. Yes and No.’ She replies bitterly. ‘Change topic.’  

“Her parents…my parents…our parents…we should have protected her. Why didn’t we help her? We abandoned her…we left her to fend for herself.” She thought angrily.

It was too late. There could be no apology, nor a chance to say what she felt so strongly in her heart. That Jane had become her friend, and that she loved her even before she knew that they were sisters.  One can’t choose their family, but Estela couldn’t have asked for a better sister. A sister she hadn’t known about, a sister who had grown up in a prison…a sister who had lived without a family for her entire life. 

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