t h r e e

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iris e l e a n o r french

I couldn't stop the adrenaline from pumping through my veins. I had been trained to keep my heart rate low, to not show excitement or fear except for when I was alone in my own home, but I couldn't help the hope that blossomed through me.

Harley stood several feet in front of me, my escape plan was a reality. I just had to make her choose me. I really could get back to my mom. I could be free.

My leg was bouncing, my hand gripping Georgia's with probable excessive force. I could see Georgia looking at me through my peripheral, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Harley standing in front of me.

Truly, there were so many things I wanted to say to Harley. We haven't spoken at all since her fangs came in at fifteen and her father was promoted to 2nd in command to President Covington. Realistically, I knew I had residual feelings for the fact we were absolutely inseparable and she had been a Vampire the entire time. The metaphorical carpet had definitely been pulled out from under me when it happened, I felt lied to. I felt like everything we had shared didn't mean anything, considering she hid the biggest secret from me. Had I been in danger every time she invited me to her home? Did I ever really know her?

Before I knew it, Marilyn had introduced the majority of the Vampires here for a companion. There were still a few left to be announced, but my brain couldn't focus on anything except for speaking to Harley as soon as I could.

I stared directly ahead, watching as a Vampire man dressed in a sharp suit walked toward Marilyn. He whispered something in her ear, making me wish for the first time that I had Vampire hearing. Based on the way the majority of the Vampires in the room tensed, I assumed that they heard what the man told Marilyn.

Nodding her head, Marilyn stepped back to the microphone. "It looks as if we have two new guests joining us this year," she spoke, her velvety voice tinged with a hint of fear. "Elias Covington, son of President Oliver Covington, and Wilder Beckett, son of Vice President Waylon Beckett."

Amazing. The son of the fucking Vampire President and Vice President.

I shook my head, of course the most prestigious Vampires just had to choose a companion right now. Why wouldn't that happen? The world was already taken over by literal myths, bump-in-the-night beings, so why not this too? The most ruthless men's sons. The most powerful Vampires.

I took a deep breath as I watched the two most beautiful men I had ever seen make their way to the stage. One had dark hair, the most gorgeous gray eyes, his full lips set in a line as he surveyed the group of humans I was currently sitting in. I watched his eyes travel between the humans before settling right on me.

Avoiding his gaze, I looked over the other, equally as beautiful Vampire stood next to him. He radiated charming energy, his fluffy blonde hair sat in a mop on his head. His lips formed an easygoing grin, reaching all the way up to his honey-colored eyes. I was in awe of him, the way his posture was laid back, his large hands settled in the pockets of his dark jeans.

I was so caught up in looking at him, my eyes traveled his tall frame before landing on his stare, directed at me. My eyes widened, averting my gaze back to the dark-headed Vampire, only to notice he was still staring at me. My eyes flickered between the both of them, noticing their stares not moving from mine. Their gaze pierced through me, willing me to keep their stare.

I couldn't bring myself to look away from them, to break the compulsion their stare held on me. Why couldn't I fucking look away? Why were they staring directly at me? There were over a hundred of other humans in the room, why were they focused only on me?

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