s e v e n

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i r i s eleanor f r e n c h

Knowing they were watching me and being face-to-face with them are two very different things. I knew they snuck into my room at night, I knew they stayed until my alarm clock went off, but tonight felt different. Tonight felt like the beginning of the end.

If I had even an ounce of self-preservation in my blood, I would have kept my head down and obeyed whatever command left the mouths of Elias Covington and Wilder Beckett. In fact, the intelligent, survival-based part of my brain screamed at me to do exactly that, but the bigger part of my brain, the idiotic one, ended up winning the fight as I stared directly into the eyes of the Vampire President's Vampire son.

He had beautiful eyes, the deep pools of steel threatening to pull me under their spell. And for the briefest of moments, I questioned whether or not that was a bad idea.

Shoving that thought to the back of my mind where I wanted it to stay buried, rage took over the forefront of my thinking capabilities. I started thrashing in the hold Elias had on me, raking my nails down every body part they could reach.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled, kicking my legs out.

"Fiesty, huh Elias?" Wilder smirked, causing Elias to nod with a grin.

"I'll show you feisty when I shove my foot so far up your fucking ass you'll taste my socks," I growled, glaring harshly at Wilder.

"Kinky too, we hit the jackpot, E," Wilder continued, blowing kisses at me.

Elias tilted his head, his gray eyes scrutinizing me as I fought against him. Instead of putting me down like I figured he would, Elias brought me closer to his chest, crushing me to him and caging me in his arms.

As if it were magic, all of the fight left me. I couldn't remember why I was so angry as I breathed in his heady rosewood and patchouli scent. I also couldn't explain why this dangerous stranger brought me so much comfort and all he did was fucking hug me. I sank deeper in his embrace, my arms wrapping around his neck as my legs tangled around his waist. For the first time in the two weeks I had been in this hellhole, the only shred of comfort I've felt has been in this moment, at 3:00 AM in the arms of one of the two men that have invaded every inch of my psyche since I met them.

I buried my face in his neck, breathing in deeply as tears started falling from my eyes. I missed my home more than words could say, and for some unknown reason, Elias' arms reminded me of home. I didn't want to think too deeply into it, nor did I ever want to talk about it again after I let myself have this one moment of weakness.

I felt Elias shift, sitting on the edge of my bed as his arms tightened around me. I was openly sobbing at this point, the walls I had built over the years breaking down while I did absolutely nothing to stop them from crumbling. I'd build them up again later, but for this singular moment, I just wanted to stay in this bubble where I felt comforted.

Elias shifted again, his back leaning against my headboard as I felt Wilder lay next to him. I lifted my head from Elias' neck, looking over to the golden-haired Adonis. His eyes were on me, concern written on his face, his normal happy-go-lucky personality replaced by the soft one in front of me. I released Elias' waist from my legs, shifting so I lay in between them. I didn't say anything, and neither did the two men in my bed with me. My head was in Wilder's lap as I clutched onto Elias' hand with my own, tears still falling from my eyes.

Exhaustion from fighting my situation daily took over, sleep pulling me under as I closed my eyes.

/ / /

The sound of my alarm pulled me from the most comforting sleep I had ever had my 24 years on this planet.

I reached out on both sides of me, expecting to feel the odd warmth of both Elias and Wilder. My hand just met air, causing me to sit up quickly and survey my room.

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