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i r i s eleanor f r e n c h

I felt like I was going crazy. After seeing Elias and Wilder outside my window, I haven't seen any Vampires since. Even the Vampires on the training facility's payroll seemed to have disappeared, and it has me so on edge I haven't been able to sleep in days.

Where did they all go? How could that many Vampires in charge of over one hundred humans just vanish?

And why can I still feel Elias and Wilder everywhere I go? If they're gone, why are they still surrounding me at every turn?

My chest tightens as I check outside the window again. I can feel them out there. I know they're out there, and yet I can't see them watching me. Why are they watching me? Why are they stalking me, but not showing themselves?

At this point, I'm so paranoid. I've barely eaten anything dispute Georgia and Brennan taking over the kitchen and making sure the humans here still get to eat. Georgia has brought me back tray after tray, but they sit basically untouched except for the small bites I've taken to keep myself alive.

I can't eat knowing they're watching me. Waiting for me. I know they're coming, so why haven't they already? Why are they sitting in every single shadow, when I'm right here, not going anywhere? What are they waiting for?

A knock on the door startles me so badly my heart jumps. I slowly make my way to answer it, a lamp in my hand ready to strike for my protection. Will it stop a Vampire? No, but it makes me feel better and at this point, that's all I can manage. I want to feel safe again.

"Iris, it's me," I hear Georgia's sweet voice filter through the door before I can open it.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I lay a hand over my incessantly beating heart and take a few breaths to calm myself down. Setting the lamp back down on my nightstand, I move quickly to the door and open it.

Georgia looks as beautiful as she usually does, but the worry crossing her face gives me trepidation. What is she worried about? Are all of the Vampires back?

I keep my mouth shut, watching her look over me with concern.

"Iris, this isn't healthy. I know you're worried about them coming back and taking you, but staying up for days and barely eating is already taking a toll on you," Georgia spoke softly, reaching a hand out to caress my arm.

I jump a little when her warm hand touches me, and immediately feel bad about it. I know Georgia is just worried about me, but I can't shake the feeling that something is very very wrong and things are about to get bad for us.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," I tell her honestly, my voice quiet as I give her arm a reassuring squeeze. "I just can't shake the feeling something bad is about to happen."

Georgia sighed, pulling me into her arms and resting her chin on my head. "I know, Iris. I have the feeling too, but there's nothing we can do until the thing actually happens."

I nod, tightening my arms around her. "I wish I felt safe enough to leave. I think the minute that we try, everything will go to shit. I can feel Elias and Wilder- it's like they're just waiting for me to fuck up."

"Then fuck up, Iris," Georgia says seriously. "If this is all some weird test to see how obedient we are with no Vampires to babysit us."

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