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It's been a week since the picnic day, Taehyung would often visit the cafe to get his coffee, he got completely busy with academic because there is only 2 months for the school to complete and declare summer holidays

Taehyung joined in the middle of the school year, more like at the last months of the school, but since today is weekend and Saturday he decided to talk with Jungkook! after preparing himself from the morning 

So here he is, in Jungkook's shop having a strawberry shake, sitting at his daily spot waiting for his chance to talk as there are still some customers left in the shop, Today he will let everything out no matter what! patiently waiting for the customers to get out and Jungkook to close the shop,

On the other hand Jungkook is no good, he is nervous inside looking at Taehyung who was not leaving the cafe even after one hour of his arrival, which is making Jungkook all of work up, because he kinda had a hunch on what's gonna happen, But, Is he ready for that? Is he ready for the talk that Jungkook is here for?

As the time passed the customers in the cafe started to become less, it is almost 10 in the night when it was finally Jungkook and Taehyung are left alone in whole cafe, Jungkook is inside the kitchen debating in his mind whether to go out and confront Taehyung or stay here until the man lefts, he is sure Taehyung won't leave without seeing him today

Taehyung is tapping his fingers on the table while waiting for Jungkook to come outside from the kitchen, he already decided that no matter what, Today he won't leave until he let everything out, after that, it's Jungkook's choice to give them a second shot or not, though he is badly praying the gods to let Jungkook give them a second chance

off course, It will hurt like hell if Jungkook rejects him, because after all it was his mistake and also it was him who couldn't move on from Jungkook, but it's understandable because it was him who left Jungkook nine years ago without a proper goodbye or explanation, he deserves it and also they should consider Soobin's well being too 

Taehyung is lost in his own thoughts that he didn't know that the younger is coming towards him with 2 mugs, Jungkook thought that they could talk it out over drinking something, the younger cleared his throat gaining the teacher's attention successfully, "Coffee" Jungkook handed him the coffee mug which Taehyung took with a 'thanks' as Jungkook sat opposite towards him 

"How are you?" Taehyung asked after taking a sip, gaining his courage to speak, "good, you?" "fine" Taehyung shrugged, "Jun-Jungkook-ah, I seriously want to talk things out, I want a chance to explain myself, I want us ba-" "there is never 'us' Taehyung, you left before we could start" Jungkook words pierced like a knife in Taehyung's heart, dripping more guilt over him, "right" Taehyung sighed dejectedly with a sad smile as eyes flashed pain making Jungkook feel guilt over his choice of words

"Soobin?" the elder doesn't want the child to listen over them and misunderstood things, "Sleeping" Jungkook replied taking a sip of his hot chocolate, taking a deep breath Taehyung started "I am sorry Jungkook, I know I can't just get away with it, but I am really sorry actually that day my dad suddenly came over to take me back to Seoul because my mother is dead" the grip on the mug in Jungkook's hand is tightened, "As you know they both are divorced and mom is in the hospital but there is more to it, dad found someone there back in Seoul and he forgot mom" Taehyung chuckled as a tear rolled down his cheek

Taehyung has suffer a lot during that period, one week he is lifeless and his dad bringing him a step family made things more worse, the inner demons inside him grew as he kept on hiding them, he went depressed until Jin started persuading him, if it wasn't for  Seokjin then Taehyung wouldn't be here sitting all fine infront of Jungkook, that's why Taehyung is thankful for the elder always, that's why Taehyung has a special place for Seokjin in his heart

"He never loved her, but she did, he choose other women over her and it got mom to get sick and die, he is having an affair behind her back and one day she found it" Jungkook looked at Taehyung biting his lips, he know Taehyung has suffered over the parenting stage, but he didn't know it was this bad, "I am sorry" Taehyung shook his head, "it's not your fault, I found this all in her diary which she used to write before she got sick completely, th-that man used her for the property behind her, I never thought that my dad would cheat my mom because they played it very well to keep me in dark" 

"I-Is it Jin Hyung's mom?" Taehyung nodded his head, "I am already suffering with the loss of my mom and suddenly knowing I got a step-mom over a week after my mothers death has throwed me to the edge, I fought with my father the whole time and accused her but she still treated me good in the end" Taehyung took a sip of his coffee sniffing as he looked at the dark streets, "Jin Hyung treated me good, it took me whole 2 years to warm him up and his mother, but my dad? I hated him for many reasons" Jungkook nodded his head 

"after knowing I am gay, he throwed a fist but I never backed out, he set me up with dates but I was never interested because I am already interested in someone" Taehyung brown almond eyes looked at Jungkook who is looking at him with wide doe eyes, "it's you Kook, I tried dating but I couldn't get my self to share my life with some other who is not you and my dad was so stubborn but I am also being a stubborn ass has done everything against him, my wishes, he wanted me to do business  but I am not interested so we fought there too" Jungkook nodded drinking his hot chocolate, 

"How are you now?" after hearing the elder Jungkook's anger on Taehyung has subsidized as he can see how much the older has already suffered, "It would be a lie if I say I am happy, I was never happy Kook, it's always you who pushed me till here, the urge to meet you, see you, to have you back if possible and it all took me 9 years because I am waiting, my dad is my provider so I can't just leave from there not to mention my depression, I don't want to pull you into that" Taehyung bit his lips looking at the younger 

"I actually got my father sign the property here under mine, it took me time and now I am here" "I am really sorry Taehyung, I don't know you have gone this much, it's--I would never know what you have gone through but my life changed, Soobin is my son, I never planned him, it happened in a party, I am drunk because after you left, I had become a bit different, It's all complicated  now" Jungkook sighs leaning back 

"I accept Soobin Jungkook, if that's what you are worrying about and nothing is complicated if we work it out together, I know you will need some time to think but I want you to give it a shot Jungkook because I still love you Kook, 9 years is a big gap I know and we are changed" Taehyung takes Jungkook hands in his stirring the emotions is Jungkook's heart, feeling the familiar warmth made Jungkook overwhelmed, his throat clogged as he took deep breath

"I-I need time Tae, maybe maybe we could start slow? you see it's not easy with a single father" Jungkook said looking at the elder with his Bambi eyes, Jungkook wants to give it a shot but he wants to take it slow this time, making sure that the other wouldn't leave him like in the past, the boy doesn't want any heartache again


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